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Recent content by daretodance004

  1. D

    weird smell from the corner of my tegu's mouth!! HELP PLEASE

    [color=#0000FF]So i've noticed a weird smell that comes from the corners of her mouth like the sides where the two peices of skin meet. I clean them out and will notice like either la tiny strand of of food or something. i'm not exactly sure what it could be but has anyone else had anything...
  2. D

    Tegu smells funky! Please help!

    ok so for some reason my tegu smells! i clean his cage and it is kept tidy! i change his water daily and i give him a bath once a week and all of a sudden last week he started smelling! has anyone else had this problem! please help! :cry:
  3. D

    eating problems! desperate for help!

    But i was told to keep his heat lamp on and thats what i have been doing! i'm scared to put him in a box . i feel like its too late now!
  4. D

    eating problems! desperate for help!

    But no he has not visually lost weight! and he was only in hibernation for like a month or 2!
  5. D

    eating problems! desperate for help!

    ok but he has been acting like this for a while! i mean sometimes he looks awake but he has always been really lazy! So i have been taking him out of the cage and stuff and messing with him a little bit is it ok if i just put him back in the cage and just leave him alone! and when he is in...
  6. D

    eating problems! desperate for help!

    Ok i really need help! I have had my red tegu for a year now and he did fine with eating last year but then when he went into hirbernation and came out of it he has not been eating really anything at all! All he does is sleeps and it worries me that he is not really that active! He used to want...