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Recent content by yancmart

  1. Y

    diffrent foods to eat

    thanks alot
  2. Y

    diffrent foods to eat

    thanks for the reply anybody else with good food suggestion (insects, rodents, other)
  3. Y

    diffrent foods to eat

    my tegu eats alot he has pretty much grown out of eating crickets and im trying to breed some dubia cockroaches any other food ideas for him please help
  4. Y

    indoor columbian tegu enclosure

    im planning on making an indoor inclosure for my columbian tegu. he is growing fast and im going to have to build him a new home. i would like to make the tank around 6' long and 3' wide and ? high. any ideas or suggestions on types of wood to use, acces to the tank (glass front doors?) ect...
  5. Y

    any ideas on canned tuna fish

    i have just recently given my columbian tegu a little bit of canned tuna raw. any thoughts on this. i dont know if it is really good for him or not.
  6. Y

    columbian tegu natural enviroment

    i was wondering wat kind of natural enviroment my columbian tegu would be coming from. im uncertain if it is a Savanah, woodland, subtropical or tropical enviroment.
  7. Y

    plants in tegu cage

    what kind of live plants could i put in my tegus cage. im thinking about a fern species. what do you think i should use