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Straight outta the glades
Well he was almost 40 inches. Until last night his tail broke off cause he escaped and got it caught. He's down 7 inches. He is right around 2 years old.. Maybe.. Unsure cause he was wild caught. Hes a male had him at the vet due to the tail and he weighs 3 lbs 4 Oz.
He is adorable! My guy is 24 inches and I am told a year old. I have seen tegus at a yr much bigger so I was slightly confused by his size to match his age. How is his temperament being a wild caught?
@Yvette Oldham I have had two wild caught, both BW from Rodney in Florida. First one Just plan hated me, no other way to put it, she refused to tame down. Second time I went with a smaller one, took me 29 days before she was totally comfortable @ 5 months I would not call her a teddy bear, but she is extremely gentle. One day she hated me, the next she was crawling all oversee and demand my attention. I also have a red, maybe 3 or 4 months old, captive bred, still as angry as the day I got him 72 days ago.....
I get mine out every day for at least an hour soak in the rub. When I got him I left him alone until he came to me. It was hard! Imagine having a new puppy and you have to ignore it... I slept in a shirt for 2 nights and when he came I put the shirt in his enclosure. It takes time and patience and then some just don't want to like you I guess. Like people personalities clash?

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Black and White Tegus
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