This is a simple read through care sheet. I have made this my self over about 4 years of keeping them. you can use this to guide you with other monitors to.
Species: Varanus acanthuras acanthuras. ( Red ackie )
Varanus acanthuras brochyuras. ( Yellow ackie)
Also know as spiny or ridge tail monitors.
Subtrate and water needs:
1 FT to 2 FT of top soil mixed with sand. You can get play sand and top soil from home depot, LoweÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s, Canadian tire. Make sure thereÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s no pesticides or fertilizers in it thought. Mix it so that it will hold a burrow and so it stays moist down underneath the surface. I use a mix of 60% dirt and 40% sand.
For water, all you need is some sort of dish that will hold enough water so the lizard can fit in it comfortably. I use one of big ones the pet stores sell that look like a rock.
Lighting and UVB: No UVB or UVA is needed for monitors.
Temperatures and Humidity: 50-60 % humidity is alright. 70-75F cool side 85-90F warm side and basking spot 125-150F. Try different temps see what your lizard likes better as it might re-act different to higher temps.
Heating and Equipment: 50-60 watt out door flood lights work great.
For one single adult I used a 4x2x3 FT home made cage. All it is, is a wooden box with sliding glass doors 2 small vents and a light hung in side. I have mine so it has 1 FT of dirt and sand. Or you could make it to hold 2 FT of dirt.
Mostly crickets, every now and then i would dust them with repti-cal that helps provide calcium and vitamin D-3.
Things you can feed.
Super worms.
Meal worms.
Wax worms.
Horn worms.
Silk worms.
Canadian night crawlers.
Pinky mice.
Hopper-Fuzzie mice ( Depending on how big your ackie is )
Leopard geckos.
House geckos.
Anoles. ( Brown and green )
Red minnows.
Any thing they can fit in there mouth that is a whole prey item.
Species: Varanus acanthuras acanthuras. ( Red ackie )
Varanus acanthuras brochyuras. ( Yellow ackie)
Also know as spiny or ridge tail monitors.
Subtrate and water needs:
1 FT to 2 FT of top soil mixed with sand. You can get play sand and top soil from home depot, LoweÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s, Canadian tire. Make sure thereÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s no pesticides or fertilizers in it thought. Mix it so that it will hold a burrow and so it stays moist down underneath the surface. I use a mix of 60% dirt and 40% sand.
For water, all you need is some sort of dish that will hold enough water so the lizard can fit in it comfortably. I use one of big ones the pet stores sell that look like a rock.
Lighting and UVB: No UVB or UVA is needed for monitors.
Temperatures and Humidity: 50-60 % humidity is alright. 70-75F cool side 85-90F warm side and basking spot 125-150F. Try different temps see what your lizard likes better as it might re-act different to higher temps.
Heating and Equipment: 50-60 watt out door flood lights work great.
For one single adult I used a 4x2x3 FT home made cage. All it is, is a wooden box with sliding glass doors 2 small vents and a light hung in side. I have mine so it has 1 FT of dirt and sand. Or you could make it to hold 2 FT of dirt.
Mostly crickets, every now and then i would dust them with repti-cal that helps provide calcium and vitamin D-3.
Things you can feed.
Super worms.
Meal worms.
Wax worms.
Horn worms.
Silk worms.
Canadian night crawlers.
Pinky mice.
Hopper-Fuzzie mice ( Depending on how big your ackie is )
Leopard geckos.
House geckos.
Anoles. ( Brown and green )
Red minnows.
Any thing they can fit in there mouth that is a whole prey item.