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Do I need a basking lamp during hibernation?


New Member
My UVB fixture puts out enough heat to keep it 68 to 72 deg. With the basking lamp prime temps of 80 to 85 cool side and close to 100 under lamp. Do I need to keep a basking lamp at all during hibernation? Does it need to be there in case he decides to come out? 1st year and he is not hibernating yet but think he wants to and maybe too warm. any thought would be appreciated. here is a pick of the enclosure. basking lamp would be on the right but it just went out so before I go get one, should I. should I get a lower temp one???


They will "semi" hibernate at 69-72. At that temp they will come out once or twice a week, and maybe even eat once a week. Id try to up the basking area to 110-115. Some adults will even prefer 125, i have a 4" section that reads 120 with my thermal gun, and they are not shy about hanging out there.

Now that is for the "day" at night if you can keep a window open to 55F air and get the cage temp down to the lower 60s upper 50's at night, that is really going to help.

Keep the basking area going for 2-3 weeks after they bed down. If they are really hibernating, They will still come up every once in a while to finish baking off any food left in their system, for a few weeks.


New Member
Wow thanks, that answered my question and ones I didn't think of.. I do have a temp gun and with this info I should have no problem. Again many thanks

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