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Sweet set up,i found one near the right hand corner towards the bottom on the glass. The other one i think i see on the left on the moss near the umbrella looking plants.
So wheres my prize :mrgreen: ? lol jk, good luck with them.
For now they are eating crickets, I breed roaches but they wont touch them so for the first time in six years I have bought crickets. Their temps range from 72 at night to 75 during the day. They are so amazing to watch. My soon to be husband and I met in Costa Rica on a school trip with several schools from around the country. We saw so many of these guys there and fell in love with their colors. When I saw them at my store I just had to get them.
the fruit flys actually cant fly, they crawl. I used to feed them to my baby anoles I would find who were beaten up by something. I would feed them and care for them until they were well enough to go back to the wild. I kept mine at room temp and they did fine.
not hard at all, I had mine breed for me. I had one tube for breeders and one for feeders. Just keep them on a shelf or something like that away from sunlight or drafts.