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Help with a Golden Tegu Baby


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here, so sorry if this is the wrong spot. I need help regarding my new Golden Tegu. I picked him up from a store a little over 1 week ago, according to the store owner he was the last of 6 babies. I wanted to ask for any help in regards to getting him to at least be comfortable with me. His cage is full of both fake and real plants, 3 different hiding spots and some stuff to climb on. Despite this cover, he still acts very scared of me whenever I enter the room, typically hiding in one spot and just staring at me until I leave the room again. It's at the point where I need to be out of the room for him to eat from how scared he is. I left him alone for 2 days before trying to place my hand in his tank to get him used to it, but his scared nature hasn't let up. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something else I could try? I want him to like me and want to try to get him to be more of a companion rather than just a show animal, so any suggestions help.
I feel you. I’ve had so many reptiles and this reminds me a lot of my blue tongued skink. He was absolutely terrified of us and we took good care of him! Reptiles get really stressed when they get home, they hate change of environment.
first off, for you specifically- start off by not feeding him too much. Let him wait. He’s more likely to eat if he’s hungry. Wait an extra couple days and out the food in there, sit in the room away from the tank and don’t leave till he’s at least tried it. It’s not perfect, but it’s likely. You have to let him be but also be around. So you become his norm.
Here’s what I do; I’ve started somewhat of a therapy with my skink. It’s working amazing so far. At first, he wouldn’t eat period. He was scared of everything and always underground.
It’s difficult but you have to treat him like he’s normal, like no special attention. When holding him, have him laid on your arm and do your daily (but not crazy movement or noise) activities. Just being there But being ignored is great. If there’s ever a loud noise or threatening animal, try covering his face with your cupped hand. It works great for my lizards and gives off the illusion that they’re burrowed. When your putting him back in his tank, put your arm down on it and let him crawl down. Eventually, they’ll really like you. My skink ate almost his whole plate while in my lap two days ago!


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here, so sorry if this is the wrong spot. I need help regarding my new Golden Tegu. I picked him up from a store a little over 1 week ago, according to the store owner he was the last of 6 babies. I wanted to ask for any help in regards to getting him to at least be comfortable with me. His cage is full of both fake and real plants, 3 different hiding spots and some stuff to climb on. Despite this cover, he still acts very scared of me whenever I enter the room, typically hiding in one spot and just staring at me until I leave the room again. It's at the point where I need to be out of the room for him to eat from how scared he is. I left him alone for 2 days before trying to place my hand in his tank to get him used to it, but his scared nature hasn't let up. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something else I could try? I want him to like me and want to try to get him to be more of a companion rather than just a show animal, so any suggestions help.
Tegus need handled a lot to tame down. Especially gold tegus. I had to start mine off by just sitting with my hand in the Cage until she got used to it and stopped panicking. I worked up to chin scratches and petting from there. It's a long process but it works


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Good advice from others. Your tegu is acting completely normal...they take quite awhile sometimes to lose their fears of their new place and owner. It really does take a constant effort to be a non-threatening presence in their world. Once they let go of the fear, they are usually adapted and much less difficult.

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