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My Blue Named Keiko!


New Member
Hello! I am so proud to be a new tegu owner and I cannot wait for the new experiences I will have my new boy, Keiko! He is a Blue x Blue Cross from Hector's Habitat. I believe he is a bit over two weeks old.

I am looking for advice from other owners!
My baby of course is still very nervous around me. The past two days he has been getting better about coming outside his enclosure, but whenever I go to get him out, he flees. I am calm as I can be, and eventually I am able to pick him up, but it's not on his own. He doesn't climb onto me, but I slide my hand underneath him and he's alright. I read somewhere what you should only let them come to you, though I read another post that said to be persistent and try to get him on to your hand (even if he climbs right off). I don't want to scare him anymore if I have, do y'all have any tips? Once he's out, he hangs out for the most part (still a bit nervous of course). I feel like the process just restarts everytime I try to get him out.

Another question I have is about humidity. When the basking lights are on, the humidity gets only to 50-55. Which worries me because I know the enclosure should be at 80+. Though at night when the basking light is off, the humidity rises to 80. Should I still be interested in getting a humidifier? In his enclosure, I have eco earth, moss, and a humid hide. I do heavy sprays in the morning whenever I wake up, but I feel that it isnt enough.

Thank you so much!


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Well-Known Member
Welcome. Zyn here and I also have a male from the same parents as yours but my blue x blues name is Sev and he just tuned a year old. So if you go into the cross breed section on the forum you can read through his thread and watch how he grew in that year. I posted pictures monthly. Welcome and if you have any questions were here for you.

As for handling he’s small as he grows he’ll become more comfortable around larger moving humans lol. Just give it time I don’t hesitate to pick mine up or unborrowing him. Doesn’t seem to bother him.

As for humidity, it sounds just fine to me.
To much moisture in the substrate can cause scale rot so always keep a portion dry if he needs to get some where to dry out. If he has a nice humid hide I wouldn’t worry about it. I did everything I could to keep it up when he was young. Never could keep it at the recommended levels. So I just made two humid hides. He always sleeps in them, and has never had a shed issue comes off pretty easy everything time. Still think a good portion of fish in the diet is just as important for healhy sheds.
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New Member
Thank you so much for your help! Sev is beautiful~
I noticed he has been burrowing underneath his basking rocks instead of in his humid hide! He visits the hide every once in awhile, but I think he picked out his favorite spot lol
Hopefully this is okay!


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5 Year Member
Hi and welcome Alpha is a colombian .... but acted in much the same way as a youngster i see no problem in what your doing as long as there is no aggression or biting ...he has also alway had a raised tile for his basking spot and that has also being his favourite place to sleep, i think it insulates him from above.


5 Year Member
My blue tegu was a bit skittish when he was young (I got him when he was only a few months old, I think; it's been 6 years so my memory is not as good as it could be!) but handling and getting fed by me & my husband made him more complacent and less standoffish as he got older (and bigger). Give him time, and do keep handling him.


New Member
Thank you! Im trying out the shirt trick and Im giving him a bit more space instead of trying to get him out everyday. I can tell he is starting to tolerate me more! He is only 3 weeks old, so hopefully he'll grow to be trusting of me :)

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