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Number of Crickets


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Hey everybody,
Well, my arg b&w Zeke is doing great, although he is so so small for his age. He was born March 28th of this year, He's almost 4 months old, and only 13 inches long from his nose to the tip of his tail, about 4 inches from snout to vent. I had another tegu who was 3 months old and at 25 inches, so this concerns me. He isnt sick or anything, and i have all the proper uvb, heat, humidity, etc. I dust his food with calcium and once a week i dust it with vitamins. Every day i feed him crickets, and 2 times a week i feed him pinky mice, because thats the only size he can swallow, i tried a fuzzy and it was twice the size of his head, so it made me nervous and i took it out of his feeding tub.. He will NOT eat ground turkey, talapia, anything like that. he will only take crickets. (im ordering 100 dubia roaches right now as im typing this, get them breeding and hopefully he will start taking those along withthe crickets.) What i am wondering is, at his size, how many crickets on average should tegu's his size be taking? I'm talking about large crickets. full grown adults. I know the 15 minute rule, let him take as many as he wants, but thats my problem, i dont know if he is getting enough, he does eat between 11 and 15 of them, and today he ate 18 and then hes done, before 15 minutes is up. I'm just used to my old tegu, who was big just pigging out. could someone put my mind at ease on this, or should i be concerned?? ONE MORE THING, sorry. he has just began eating this many crickets, he wasnt eating at all for the first 2 months that i had him, he would eat maybe 3-4 crickets and be done. i started syringe feeding him activia yogurt, to get him going, and it seemed to have worked because he eats like crazy now, and seems to always be hungry when i walk past his cage, or something falls on the floor he runs and tries to get it through the glass. i just dont know i might just be paranoid. i want him to be happy and healthy thats all. sorry for such a long post and for rambling on like this. thanks a bunch to anyone who replies to this :) here is a pic of him, you can see how small he is compared to the tape measure.

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