Hello I am new to this forums page and have my red tegu Roshi. She has mostly been an angel since I got her but right away as soon as I got her I noticed she did a lot of like rubbing on the glass and wouldnt stop. Rubbing her nose raw with it I decided to put up black vinyl coverings on all the walls besides my doors. I figured this would fix that problem and it mostly did, but now she has become super Aggressive but only sometimes. She will charge around her cage slamming into the walls head first and if I put my hands near the cage at all she jumps and tries to bite them. Thinking maybe she just wanted out I stupidly decided to try and get her out of her cage since she seemed irritated. She than bit me very hard and actually drew blood for the first time. They were different from the other times she has bitten me where she’s smelled fruit on my fingers and just gave me a little test nibble and than instantly let go. This was very different it was hard and she tried to chew on me. I tried not to encourage the behavior so I put her back in her cage and she continued to charge into the walls. I’m just unsure of what has happened. She was fine earlier in the day. Was letting me pet her and falling asleep on me, but than recently she has started doing this almost every night about an hour before bed. I can’t tell if she’s just trying to defend her territory and I should let it be or if there’s something going on with her. She is also going through a shed but she’s shed before and never acted like this. I don’t know if possibly she is starting to hit puberty as I got her about two months ago and I’m unsure of her actual age as the place I got her from wasn’t too helpful on that Just said she was a baby red tegu. She’s only about a foot long and doesn’t really have a bright red color to her at all more of a tan with red rings and a green tint to her back. Don’t know if maybe the place I got her from ripped me off or something but it was called underground reptiles. I’ll include some pictures of her as well. Any help is appreciated. The pictures are of her on her basking spot and the other is a couple days after I got her and she fell asleep in my blankets with me.