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Tegu not growing


New Member
This is my first time commenting on one of these, so let me know if I did anything wrong.

I have an Argentine Black and White tegu, I got him/her back in December. When I got her (I think it's a girl), She was about 1 month old, maybe a little bit older. I think that she was about 14-15 inches long. Now I have had her for about 6 months, and I assume that she is about 7 months old. Still, she has only grown about 3 inches, and I did some research and they should be pretty big at 7 months old. I do understand that tegus grow at different rates, but I'm starting to get a little bit concerned because of her lack of growth. I feed her fuzzies, a variety of fruit, mealworms, and eggs about every other day if she is up. I give her the proper vitamins and powders. She has been sleeping a lot, which I find weird because it is the middle of the summer. She maybe gets up one time a week. Sometimes I wake her up, and she acts normal, and she will always eat. She likes to burrow under her water bowl, which she kinda made her own little humid hide. I mist her cage about 2 times a day and her basking temp is about 110-115, and she has a UV basking area. On her warm side, the ambient temp is about 85-90, and the cool side is about 80. I have a 40 Gallon tank for her, I am getting her something bigger soon, I just need to save up some more money. I will attach some images to this if anyone has any ideas lmk. The first picture is when i got het, the second and last are recent.


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Looks flawless. Husbandry seems fine. Maybe it's just a runt? Can be jsut as well if you've ever seen a giant with attitude. Only thing I can think of that might be wrong is UV source and distance from the tegu. Ever give it any natural sun through a screen?


New Member
Looks flawless. Husbandry seems fine. Maybe it's just a runt? Can be jsut as well if you've ever seen a giant with attitude. Only thing I can think of that might be wrong is UV source and distance from the tegu. Ever give it any natural sun through a screen?
That's a good idea... Should i move the UV light to the middle of the cage?


I couldn't get your link to open but I use an 80 watt mercury vapor bulb about 8" up from the basking spot. I also supplement with natural sun. I'm in Arizona and don't worry about humidity. The substrate is thick cypress mulch and I keep the bottom couple of inches damp so the burrow my tegu makes under the basking spot is humid. Dry for some hours each day doesn't seem to matter; her sheds are great.
IMG_0768 (2).JPG


New Member
I couldn't get your link to open but I use an 80 watt mercury vapor bulb about 8" up from the basking spot. I also supplement with natural sun. I'm in Arizona and don't worry about humidity. The substrate is thick cypress mulch and I keep the bottom couple of inches damp so the burrow my tegu makes under the basking spot is humid. Dry for some hours each day doesn't seem to matter; her sheds are great.View attachment 16277
Also by any chance do you know where you got that tub?


Also by any chance do you know where you got that tub?
The tub is a horse trough. The top is expanded metal made by a welder. Horse trough's are abut $300 at Tractor Supply and much lighter than most cages. Once emptied one person can move it outsdie for a hose down. Much easier to keep clean than a standard cage. The expanded metal top is covered with a thin layer of foil insulation to keep heat in. The sides are covered with thick insulation - the stuff Layne Labs uses to pack their frozen rodents. I just re-used it.

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