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100w Mercury Vapor bulb ?


New Member
Can these be within 18'' of the tegu and still provide a basking spot of 105 degrees or so? I know the higher wattages have to be like 24'' minimum from them. I just want to switch to MV bulbs because they don't lose their UV output over time like the tube lights do. Since its spring now I'm gonna start keeping my tegus outside for 1-2 hours a day to help them get some genuine UV, I just want them to be getting necessary D3 while inside as well.


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The distance is set by the company that makes them. Some brands can be within 18" while others have to be a full 3 feet away form the animal. This isn't for temp but for the pervention of UV over exposure. So it really depends on the company and bulb you go with weather it can be within 18" of the animal or not. Most of the MVB I've used i've never had a basking temp problem at the min distance set.

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