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Activity level when out of cage


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5 Year Member
My biggest problem is that my tegu gets nuts when hes outside the enclosure and theres too many places from furnite and such which he can go behind that really would be a pain in the ass to move. Maybe i should just cover all the holes so he can get the time to see whats outside the enclosure? Think that might calm my tegu?


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Try taking him out in the bathroom. Close the door and read a book while he explores (assuming the floor and toilet are clean). He'll get used to being out and realize you're not a threat.


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5 Year Member
hes well aware that im not a threat. I can walk around with him on my shoulders and he just sits there and looks around like a good little boy but as soon as hes on the floor exploring he just goes nuts after awhile. In my old appartment i could just put him on the couch and he would lay there just watching me and my roomies do things.


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5 Year Member
groxy runs "Patrols" Everyday without fail. only after said patrol missions have been completed will she chill.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I think generalizations are pretty hard to make...tegus always do this or tegus always do that. I also don't think someone can tell me my husbandry is off because my tegu sits still.

I can explain why my tegu sits still with me and it's part of the routine. She has time to cruise around the room and do what she likes. I feed her right before she sits with me. After a full belly, she's more than happy to stay still against my body heat and maybe even burrow under a blanket or couch pillow...it's part of their natural behavior.

Of the four tegus that I own, each is a little different. Some are more active, some are faster, some are content to find a cozy secure place and hide. Some are more comfortable with human interaction and will stay closer to the humans.

I second Dave Dragon's suggestion about using the bathroom. That's what I've done with lizards that I was 'taming'. It's a nice small room to get acquainted. I even read the book aloud so that they hear my voice. Young lizards are kept in a room that has plenty of people, but not so busy that they get stressed.

And yes, I find that they slow down with age. When they are so small, they are little prey items. They get more confidence with size.

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