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advice please oh tegu experts.


New Member
5 Year Member
ok my black and white gu (sluggo)
just recently (two days ago) and he just doesnt wanna eat no matter what
is it that his body is still in like a hibernation mode. should i be worried or just wait up a week before trying to feed him?
thank you for your time it is greatly appreciated.


New Member
5 Year Member
Two days is not a big deal. Most tegus are hibernating now. But some just slow down (meaning that they dont eat or come out as much). Does your tegu come out and bask? And has it hibernated at all this winter?


5 Year Member
mine have barley eaten a thing since ive had them. the day i got them they went back into hibernation. my red just came out about an hour ago and started basking though. i offered her food but she didnt take it. i figure whenever their out i will at least offer it just to be sure their not hungry though. if sluggo gets hungry enough he will eat though. he wont starve to death as long as the food is offered


New Member
5 Year Member
Relax buddy. Mine went days without eating before calling it quits in early november. he's been underground ever since


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
my tegu achilles took almost 3 weeks to start eating after i got him then another week to take more than a bite, and he still dont eat every day! so he may still be in hibernation mode.


5 Year Member
I don't know if your Tegu has been hibernating or not but it's normal for them not to eat a lot in some cases.

1. If they are in a new home and still have to get used to the new surounding.

2. They slow down in eating and coming out a lot ( burmation ).

3. When they are getting ready to hibernate.

4. When they had a big meal the day before.

I posted this info in a different post. But there are some tips on what you can do. Hope this helps.

Since she just started to come out again it might take a while for her to eat. When they hibernate the metabolisum shutts down. By her basking the metabolisum will get back to normal. You can try to offer her some food in case she is hungry but don't be surprised if it takes a few days. What you can do is put some chicken or turkey baby food with vitamine and calcium powder on a small plate and let her lick it up.Or you can put some food ( like the liver, hearts, chicken breast, fruits .... ) in a blender and make it like baby food. This way she will get some proteins in her. You also can give her some light colored ( I think the dark colored one has to much acid in it ) gatoraid or bedialight ( you can find this in the baby section ). It's better than just water because it has minerals ( electrolyts ) in it. This helps for the body to absorb the fluids better.


New Member
5 Year Member
Thanks a lot guys ya he just came OUT of hibernation few days ago and has in fact been basking so ill just keep at it
Thanks a lot

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