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Attacking me while I sleep?


New Member
Two nights ago I forgot to do the regular night time feed before I went to bed. Mind you my tegu is generally free roaming as she stays in my room and I’ll leave her enclosure open for her to explore. Anyways- I’m completely asleep at 3 am when my tegu climbs on my bed and bites my eye drawing blood!! Immediately woke up and put her in her enclosure,(still leaving it open) I didn’t think too hard about it- just figured she was hungry and maybe my eye smelled tasty. An hour later I fell back asleep and again, she came out of his enclosure, climbed my bed and again- bites me but on the hand this time. That time I put her back in her enclose with food and locked it. Tonight- again totally asleep and she climbs on my bed and bites the side of my face pretty bad, worse than the eye bite and really bloody , just overall a very deep bite. I’m thinking I will keep her locked in her enclosure at night time for now on , however I’m wondering what caused this? Could it really be that she was wondering and looking for something to eat? Is this aggressive behavior ? She is a year and a half old and has only bitten me one other time on my arm when we were “snuggling”. Im concerned she is doing this on purpose and not just because she’s hungry.


Two nights ago I forgot to do the regular night time feed before I went to bed. Mind you my tegu is generally free roaming as she stays in my room and I’ll leave her enclosure open for her to explore. Anyways- I’m completely asleep at 3 am when my tegu climbs on my bed and bites my eye drawing blood!! Immediately woke up and put her in her enclosure,(still leaving it open) I didn’t think too hard about it- just figured she was hungry and maybe my eye smelled tasty. An hour later I fell back asleep and again, she came out of his enclosure, climbed my bed and again- bites me but on the hand this time. That time I put her back in her enclose with food and locked it. Tonight- again totally asleep and she climbs on my bed and bites the side of my face pretty bad, worse than the eye bite and really bloody , just overall a very deep bite. I’m thinking I will keep her locked in her enclosure at night time for now on , however I’m wondering what caused this? Could it really be that she was wondering and looking for something to eat? Is this aggressive behavior ? She is a year and a half old and has only bitten me one other time on my arm when we were “snuggling”. Im concerned she is doing this on purpose and not just because she’s hungry.
I would say that either it is hungry or maybe you smelled like something you cooked. Or maybe she considers the room her territory now. Either way, she should be in her enclosure if you are not watching her.


Tegus may see people as objects rather than friends or acquaintances. If it smells interesting they bite it. Chickens will do the same thing. If you fell asleep with a bunch of chickens you could wake up minus your eyeballs and half your nose and lips.

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