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Basics Argentine B&W Tegu

Ackermans Exotics

New Member

Argentine black and white tegus (Salvator merianae) these huge, fast-moving lizards native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. They have this Black to dark gray and a white spotted bands across the back and tail, these reptiles mature size can go from 3 - 4 feet long, weigh up to 10 pounds or more and live 20 -25 years. Inhabit warm habitat such as forest, deserts & Savanna.

The species name, merianae, is in honor of German-born naturalist Maria Sibylla Merian.

Tegus are becoming more common in the pet trade each year as they are one of the smartest of all lizard due to its problem solving skills.


These reptile do regenerate their tails, When the tegu tail regenerates it does not replace the segmented vertebrae. In its place, they develops a long elongated cartilaginous tube within the strain. The bones and vertebrae do not regenerate. Tegus can regenerate their cells to a new tail out of cartilage.

These lizards has a powerful jaws and are omnivorous and their diet should consist of appropriately sized insects - including crickets, mealworms, and waxworms, plus high calcium fruits. Avoid feeding them adult live mice’s or rats regularly, as it would be prone to fur impactions. As an option, frozen/thawed food for captive reptiles can be provided as this would avoid potential serious problems as live prey such as rodents are quite willing to defend themselves against predators. Wounds that came from reptile’s self-defense from their live prey would often require expensive and prolonged care prolonged care.

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