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Hi, I’m pretty new to tegus. I have came across some pictures and videos of underground’s ice line. I particularly like the look of the cherry ice and the lemon ice albinos. When researching I have only come across them for sale in 2018. They have had the ice line since but nothing “cherry” or “lemon” related. I also can not find photos or videos anywhere of what any of these animals look like today. Does anyone know what happened? Were these animals not viable somehow? Why were they only on the market in 2018? Does anyone know where to find any info on this? I appreciate any help offered to me. Thank you, happy holidays.


Email Underground Reptiles for the best answer on that. I have no experience with the company, but haven't always heard the most positive feedback from people about their practices or the health of tegus coming out of there. I got my tegu from Rose City Reptiles and I took comfort in being able to call and text the owner who runs a humble, yet reputable operation. I sort of think about places like Underground as the Petco's of the reptile world in a way, though I cannot speak for anybody else on here. Good luck.

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