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My tegu's cage is about 6 or 7 inches from the ground. When she comes out to free roam she climbs out by herself to the floor and she can climb back in by herself. When I get the chance I help her in and out. My concern is that I know tegu's don't like to climb and was wondering if I should build something like a ramp so she can get in and out a lot easier. She doesn't seem to struggle too much when climbing in and out, but her legs are so short and I dont want to see her pull a muscle or get hurt some other way while climbing. Are my concerns legitimate? Does anyone have any suggestions?


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5 Year Member
if yours seems fine get in n out then i wudnt worry 2 much
my reds r forever climbing n they have been know 2 climb our book case which is bout 5 foot high n they do that easy


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I don't think there is any need to worry. 6-7 inches is nothing. Tegu's are not necessarily built to be climbers but who's to say they don't like/mind doing it when needed. Check out the 2 videos on this page:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tegutalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1726">http://www.tegutalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1726</a><!-- m -->

Tegu's are strong and can handle things like climbing in and out of a cage.


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My tegu jumps at least 12 inches to get out of her enclosure every day. She doesn't seem to mind....heck, she seems to enjoy it. Lids don't work; I stopped putting it on.

Her temp. cage is an old piece of crap. I'll move her into the big cage when I get the baby from Bobby. I think I will keep the baby on one side (of the 5x2) and her on the other until they get big enough to need something even bigger (which won't take long at all...I just have to get it built.)


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I think I will keep the baby on one side (of the 5x2) and her on the other until they get big enough to need something even bigger (which won't take long at all...I just have to get it built.)

Why not just keep them together?

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