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Croc Monitors.


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5 Year Member
Has any one else ever wanted to get one of these, they are by far my favorite monitor lizard. But I'm going to resist the urge untill I know I can properly care for one of these, and all my other animals.



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5 Year Member
Hahaha Im 100% positive that almost everyone on here will tell you stay far far away. I think Bobby or one of the admin has had a very serious run in with one of these before.

Not to mention they need like at least an acre of land to live on and they can litterally bite off your arm if they wanted to not including your head region.

Their not called croc monitor bc of their looks, its because of their teeth, their actually curved backwards a little bit and serraded if im not mistaken, And when they get over 6 or 7 feet long and outweigh you look out.

Ill let everyone else thats acually personally been around one to fill you in on the rest.


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5 Year Member
Actualy croc monitors are mmostly tail and would not outwiegh me, I know all about thier teeth and claws. A 9 foot croc monitor would have about 3 feet of body..... and usualy a 14X8X8 cage works out fine but I would be giving a larger area.


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5 Year Member
to be honest i dont like their looks il rather get a nile ore an argus personaly altho the hatchys i do like whit their big heads :D


5 Year Member
dicy said:
to be honest i dont like their looks il rather get a nile ore an argus personaly altho the hatchys i do like whit their big heads :D
I've had Nile monitors ranging from hatchling to 4' 9". They aren't nice. To look at, yes but not to handle. I have seen pix of an ornate that was apparently very nice though and liked to chill with cats and dogs! NOT the norm, however.
I would go with the Argus given the choice of the two. After having had MANY large lizards over the years I would pick an Argentine Tegu of any variety over a monitor any day. I know Bobby would back me on that too. I find tegus much more rewarding as pet lizards.
Cyclura are very cool too but much more work than a tegu and likely to outlive you if kept properly!
Croc monitors are not for the faint of heart. A "nice" one can turn on you and totally shred you in an instant. No "saw mill on legs" for me thanks!


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5 Year Member
I love croc monitors but I would never own them. They require too much space and people keep them in too small of enclosures than they should be in. They are an animal that should have atleast a bedroom or some sort of customized green house and lots of stuff to climb. Other than that my friends who own them say they are rather easy to care for, just no luck breeding. As far as danger goes, they are VERY dangerous and VERY VERY smart monitors. My friends have mentioned being people being ambushed in the cages and that they figure things out quickly. One guy at a reptile show was showing me his scars even. Though,from what i said they may sound like monsters but they are just misunderstould and get used to you being around. As you know thuogh, just take every precaution when entering their cage.

-Jon DeLong


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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&um=1&sa=1&q=croc+monitor+&aq=f&oq=" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&u ... +&aq=f&oq=</a><!-- m -->

i personally dont want this happening to me. tallons with that much weight on top of them can do damage even without trying. you all know the scratches we get from our tegus lol but they are verycool varanids


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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tellmewhereonearth.com/Web%20Pages/Weirdest/Weirdest%20Photos/Crocodile_monitor_skull_lateral2.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tellmewhereonearth.com/Web%2 ... teral2.jpg</a><!-- m -->


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5 Year Member
im good on some croc monitors. especially after the last pics. id personally rather have an albig. but thats me


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5 Year Member
Word. Croc monitors can stay where they belong lol. The only reason I would even want to be close to one would be to study it . They are indeed a beautiful creature though, and extremely fascinating. I just cannot get over how intelligent they are. They're truly the modern-day velociraptor. The way they stalk and ambush their prey, the way they use their tails for balance, the bone and jaw structure, and you can even see it right on their face.

top dog

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5 Year Member
I beleive croc monitors are the pinicle of large lizzard keeping, I will keep one, one day when i have learned enough. I think they are a touch missunderstood kinda like retics where when all that was availble where wild caught offspring.
I think once they start being bread in captivity they will not be as bad.
That said i think an experainced keeper with croc monitor is not a good idea


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5 Year Member
I'd have to agree with Beasty and what he mentioned, I've owned and delt with large monitor for years with the majority being over 4.5 ft, in my personal expierence a croc shouldn't be owned as a pet unless you own a zoo facility and do not have to handle it. This is one of those animals that should just have there own space and not be confused as a pet.
Don't get me wrong there awesome, huge etc etc which is why they catch our eye and interest in owning one, but these are truely dangerous/ deadly if even the smallest of mistakes are made.


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5 Year Member
i think i would have to pass on the crocs a little to big for me a look dont touch for sure but they are cool looking


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I could see them being a cool observation animal IF you have the right space/setup.. I wouldn't want to be the one trying to wrangle one for a health inspection or vet check-up tho :shock:


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5 Year Member
lmao... The picture of the croc monitor pouncing on that old lady's back is going in my top 10 for sure! The man on the left with his un-buttoned hawaiian shirt, big glasses, and gold chain...Lookin' real Miami... Poor monitor probably though he was going to get a gun pulled on him. Sorry...just thought I'd add a touch of humor...

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