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Feeding B/W Tegu


New Member
i don't know about pork.. I thought that pork was something we had to FULLY cook well through to get rid of any parasites. I wouldn't risk it.


This was taken from the raw feeding section of Dogster regarding Trichinosis; the reason people are afraid of raw pork:

Trichinosis happens when raw meat infested with the cysts is eaten. The infested animal develops the cysts after eating raw meat infested with the cysts. These days pigs aren't fed raw meat, they are fed commercial diets that are mostly grain. That particular cyst like most worm cysts, are killed by freezing. Most meat is frozen before it is delivered to the market and mostly we store meat in the freezer as well. If you come across a local guy butchering a pig fed slop and the slop isn't cooked then there could be a problem. I suspect if you come across pastured pigs that might be catching some animals on their own there might be a problem. Unlikely but possible. And you just need to give the meat a good long freezing to kill the cysts.

Source: Here

I feed my dogs, cats and ferrets pork frequently. If you're comfortable with it, then go for it. If not, then don't


New Member
5 Year Member
I fed mine the freezer burned pork in the fridge yesterday. I mean I would of still cooked and ate it but heck, I thought I would give mine some variety. I either give them tilapia fillet or ground turkey and some occasional quail eggs. This has been on of the girls' diets for a year and she looks great.

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