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Feeding young ones

Curtis T

New Member
I just recived my first baby B/W Tegu where I got him from said they have been feeding him Turkey Hard boild egg and mealworms any sugestions of what else to try. I dont think he is big enough for picks yet snout to vent abouy5 inches. Thanks Curtis p.s. I will post photos soon.


Congrats on the new purchase! They're such great fun to keep.

There are a number of helpful posts about diet under the appropriate forum (check the index page), and Bobby's caresheet is an excellent place to start. Check out his turkey-liver-cod liver oil mixture, which I know many of us have used with success.

Try to vary its diet as much as possible; your tegu will let you know its particular likes and dislikes. Mine spurns mealworm and superworms but will eat crickets and roaches with some enthusiasm. He responds strongest to anything from a chicken, especially hearts and gizzards, and eats scrambled eggs with relish. And like most tegus, he's crazy about rodents (at about 11" SVL, he can gobble up f/t peach fuzzies with ease).

I don't think your black & white would have trouble with, say, an extra-small pinkie (you can gauge the size of an appropriate prey item by the width of the tegu's head at the eyes). At any rate, you'll want to lean more heavily on insects, turkey mixture, fish (salmon, tilapia), chicken organs (cut to the appropriate size), and whatever fruits it will take (mine rarely eats them).

Don't over-feed eggs and rodents (I feed the former about once a week and the latter once or twice), and don't forget the calcium supplement!

Good luck, and keep us posted.

- David


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
^Great advice above...

The ideal diet for your 5" hatchling is pretty much the same as the ideal diet for a 4' adult, just in smaller sized bites. Cut to suit........

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