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Greetings from New York!


New Member
Damn thanks for all the replies guys. Im defantly going to have to think this whole thing over again. I have absolutly no idea where i am going to go for college, and the last thing i want to do is leave behind a giant Tegu. But space and money shouldnt be a problem. I have the whole basement and an extra room to myself, as for the money i got a job so yea. But I think it would be a better idea to get a smaller and an easier to care for lizard before jumping into gettin a Tegu. Im thinking of a bearded dragon or an ackie...if you guys have any other sugguestions that would be great.

Oh and im from Brooklyn but i sometimes travel to Manhattan.
Yes better off getting small lizzy if tegu doesnt get enough attention could get mean and bite


New Member
Hi all , Being that we have a bunch of New Yorkers I thought I would put it out there that I am a Carpenter / Furniture Cabinet Maker ... So if anyone needs an enclosure built I can do it or If you refer someone to me I willl gladly give a percentage ! :) I can build anything you can dream it I can build it - Cheers and thanks for having me . My email is kenny,newyork@ yahoo.com

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