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I just found this forum yesterday and decided to join in. I don't have a Tegu yet, but I want to be prepared and know everything about them before I get one. In my current living situation, I don't think I'd have room anyways. Even for a baby! >-<
Right now I have 1 male bearded dragon (i think he's an orange or a sandfire cross of some sort--he was a rescue, so I have no idea what he is) , 1 female bearded dragon (red/gold cross from Sandfire Dragon Ranch) and a female, about 2-to-3 foot ball python (normal, I think). Hoping to breed the beardies when they're old enough (and big enough).
I've had a lot of reptiles, loved them since I was a about 9 and my dad brought me home a "blue bellied" lizard. Kinda went on from there. Caught and kept my first snake at a lake one time when I was about 11. Since then I've had 2 gopher snakes (wild caught), 1 garter snake, 2 king snakes (wild caught and released), 3 corn snakes (one normal, one blood-red, one motley) and the ball python. I wish I still had some of them, but my friend has my blood-red boy, so I still get to see him

Of lizards, I've had a few iguanas and a water dragon. The water dragon I saved from a petstore after he was beat up pretty badly by another male. He was already full grown, so I had no idea how old he was. Unfortunantly, all the iguanas I recieved were sick, and didn't last so long :C

I saw my first Tegu about a year ago and have just fallen in love with them. I dunno what kind I want, that's why I'm here!

Aside from the reptiles, I am currently a art school student. Go to a school in Southern California, by the beach that I never get to go to cos I'm so busy with work and school. XD I love drawing creatures and making up worlds in my head. I also like to write.

I love reptiles and pretty much any animal, and hope to be a rescuer when I am finacially and living situation stable.


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5 Year Member
welcome to the family. you will learn alot here and you will learn the truth about tegus as well if you want a tegu go for a argentine black and white tegu from Bobby Hill aka Varnyard. he has some of the nicest and calmest tegus i have ever seen. He also has tegus called chacoan tegus or recently name changed to Extreme Giant tegus they are insanely cool but they get BIG.. hope you have fun here and check out the 1st Ever Tegu Talk Scheduled Chat on sunday all the regulars will be there youll meet alot of cool people again Welcome!!!!!!

MMRR - jif

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5 Year Member
Welcome! It's nice to hear about other folks that are interested in doing rescue. I have been doing reptile rescue for almost 13 years now. There are not enough of us around!

I'll give you your first tip... no one will take you seriously as a rescue if you breed your rescued animals. We are already seeing way too many Bearded Dragons in rescue. Just enjoy your babies as the pets that they should be. :)


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Soooo many new people!! Hi how are ya? I agree with Jif I would not breed the rescue.


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MMRR - jif said:
Welcome! It's nice to hear about other folks that are interested in doing rescue. I have been doing reptile rescue for almost 13 years now. There are not enough of us around!

I'll give you your first tip... no one will take you seriously as a rescue if you breed your rescued animals. We are already seeing way too many Bearded Dragons in rescue. Just enjoy your babies as the pets that they should be. :)

I meant rescue of all animals. XD
The male I rescued wasn't from a shelter/foster home. He was put in with another male cos they thought he was a female, came back to the Petco I used to work at and I took him home. I said it wrong...sorry. It was just the easiest way to put it.
I understand what you're saying and I only planned to have them breed once. I just like the experience of it...to have little babies to find homes for. But I see that I could do the same thing with foster babies


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5 Year Member
Welcome to T.A.A. (the pros will figure that one out. We are all here for you, and plenty of information to share. I'm Drew... All:Hi Drew. We are all currently in recovery. It's 1 month clean for me.


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ApriliaRufo said:
Welcome to T.A.A. (the pros will figure that one out. We are all here for you, and plenty of information to share. I'm Drew... All:Hi Drew. We are all currently in recovery. It's 1 month clean for me.

?????whaaaaat????? no one is clean from the tegu addiction!!! stop kidding yourself!!! lmao :roll: :wink: :lol: :lol:


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Welcome to the TeguTalk community, glad you came to join us. I am sure everyone will be helpful if the can, please enjoy your stay. :)

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