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im sick of this


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i swear these people are starting to really irk me, as some of you know i lost 2 of my pets earlier this week due to my reptile room over heating! i have been getting messages from members and now emails from these people! i swear some people just really need to pretend they are perfect, these are some of the messages i have recieved from these people! it really frustreting when im trying to get over this and i have rude people emailing me with this crap!

YouÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢re correct that itÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s your fault and you allowed those poor animals to be cooked to death

and when i try to defend mydelf i get messages like
Were rude huh ? did you get your feelings hurt ? Think your lizards got their feelings hurt by what you did to them ?
So, you want us to give you pointers on basic husbandry but overlook the fact that you killed your lizards ?
You should be scolded for this. And yes,it should be harsh. You canÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢t brush off killing perfectly healthy animals
I do see your more concerned about how YOUR treated vs how your animals are treated though.
If they were so beloved then they wouldnt be dead from a hot day
Wow thats mature. Did you say that when you found your cooked lizards? Or did you ask mummy to go and get you some more?

For some odd reason I believe the vast majority of people in the world would know how weather works and would be better suited to keeping your pets alive then you are.

Basically what I am saying here is you failed to provide a stable living environment for the pets you own. A simple hot day killed them. You may downplay it all you want. You can call us mean all you want. You can say we twist your words all you want. But in the end, you failed at the very basic of animal husbandry .
This was not a


5 Year Member
I'm sorry you are going through this reptastic. Some people are just inconsiderate and like to lay blame. Just brush it off, or you could try reporting them to a mod on that forum.


5 Year Member
Hey man people make mistakes/accidents happen. Fact is nobody was in your shoes at that moment in time. Every single person has made mistakes, most of us have made terrible ones. We should be helping each other out not looking for an opportunity to beat down an already wounded person. Keep your head up man, don't let people bring you down or even worse, breed hate in you. The loss of things dear to people is tough, as you well know, and it is natural for people to be upset. As it was said before, "brush them off" and keep on doing your best. My best to you and all your animals!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i have deleted my account with this forum, i blocked al their emails and will no loger respond to them!


New Member
do you mind me asking what forum it was so i can be sure to stay away from there? if you dont want to post it in public you could pm it to me. and your loss is terrible but as everyone said we all make mistakes. lord knows i sure have. it was a total accident and you did not mean to over heat your reptile room. it was accidental and completely out of your control. these people are ridiculous. im sure every single one of those people that emailed you have made mistakes before as well. husbandry can be very hard at times. and somtimes it just goes wrong. once again. not your fault. and i am sorry for what happened.


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
reptastic said:
i have deleted my account with this forum, i blocked al their emails and will no loger respond to them!

Sorry you had to go thought that, IMO they are not worth your time.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
thanks bobby, and preston it was actually my fault, and i take the responsibility but i just wanted help to prevent it fom happening again!


New Member
5 Year Member
I am sorry for your lose. I wish you the best of luck.

Would you mind pm'ing me the forums name to so I can also stay away from there, and if I have an account there I will close it.


New Member
i was curious because i dont want to be around a forum with people like that. weather it was your fault or not it was uncalled for to act that way and attack you like that


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
well its a uromastyx forum so if your into them then you might just come across it but lately all the new members dont stay long! i wonder why?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Man people really know how to kick someone when they are down don't they. I'm glad your not going to waste your time with those responses. I am truely sorry for your lose but hopefully the other animals you have left will help ease the pain alittle.


5 Year Member
At least you were honest about it. People should be glad that someone is posting the mistake they made ( and that goes for anyone ). This is how we learn ( from someone elses mistake or our own ). No one is perfect. I bet they made some mistakes, too. I wouldn't worry about them. Things will be fine ;) .


New Member
5 Year Member
Don't feel bad. When I lived in Florida, I tried breeding Giant Day Geckos. The first batch I had didn't go so well. Another female ate one of the offspring and the surviving one got it's head accidently squished between the container I kept it in and the lid. I was closing the lid and the little guy must have run up the side of the container. I felt HORRIBLE. These kind of things happen though.


New Member
everyone makes mistakes man, sorry for your loss I know you must feel bad enough without people giving you a hard time.


New Member
5 Year Member
sorry about your loss Bro! and just remember Man we all make mistakes no one is exempt from making mistakes.
as for that forum well the heartless ones who attacked you any way,
i am sure they have the collective mentality of roadkill, IMO enough said..

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