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i'm thinking about getting a cobra...


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5 Year Member
Lol, well, mikes response is a good response. But if you are looking at getting true cobras, what experience do you have with hots?
I'll state the obvious first. Every different species of snake is going to be waaaaay different than other species in how they act. So the best/responsible thing to do is to try and shadow a person who work with cobras and get the hang of how the different species act. Get a real idea if these are truly what you want and not just a spur of the moment "oh that looks cool and its deadly so I want it". I really try to shun people from hots, even though I work with them lol.
Though, just make sure you take proper precautions and really realize what you are getting into. I'd probably say Egyptian cobras (Naja haje) are "easier" to work with. Just the thing is, cobras are easier to deal with when they are hooded. When they arent hooded they can be really fast whippy snakes so I would especially not suggest one as a beginner hot. Though, I have known a few people with Egyptian cobras and said they were easier to work around than the more commonly seen Spectacleds and Monocleds. It honestly depends on who you ask. Cobras are not afraid to follow you around in the cage and they are not afraid to stand their ground. On top of that, if they get out..... good luck finding it. They like going anywhere and everywhere (nooks and crannies) and it would be like trying to find a loose colubrid in the house lol. I would work with cobras if they were legal here (though I gained experience from friends who owned them) and if I had enough money to build another seperate BRICK facility. Definitely a cool snake, just understand they can be a whippy, highly venomous, snake that if it gets out will be VERY hard to find, if you find it.
Positive side, they are freaking awesome snakes to observe and very interesting to work with.

-Jon DeLong


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5 Year Member
I used to work alot w/ western diamondback here in AZ(used to be a "herp"vet tech). I have to say, unless you have a good amount of expierience think it over once, twice, maybe five times over. If you do make the decision to do it good luck, and remember to ALWAYS be safe and AWARE!!!


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5 Year Member
Jmiles, do you herp? I am from AZ and do a LOOOOT of herping so if you are looking to go herping soon hit me up. Ive been looking for a member of the forum to go with lol. Right now I am healing from an achilles injury so all I can do is road cruise.

-Jon DeLong


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5 Year Member
here is the best beginner cobra in my opinion :rasp



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5 Year Member
I too was really considering getting a hot, especially since the cobras are sooo cheap and there are plenty of copper heads and rattle snakes around my house, but after thinking for a while, not only are they going to be no fun, but a terrible financial as well as laborous pain in the ass to work with.

you have to buy or make the special dual chamber cages for them, strike shields, heavy gloves, tonges, snake hooks, it would take fifteen minutes every time you wanted to change the water, you cant handle the damn thing, and if you did man up and get it out with your hands, your taking a huge risk of it getting away from you or it biting you, and even if it doesn't kill you you may loose a limb or hand etc, depending on where it bites you.

After all that, I just said screw it, I have a hard enough time getting girls to come in my apt now with my tegu and boas, not to mention if they found out I had a freaking cobra in my house too, I would be no deal for them. haha

So yeah, their cool, and beautiful but not worth all the trouble and risk. IMO


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5 Year Member
ColdThirst said:
After all that, I just said screw it, I have a hard enough time getting girls to come in my apt now with my tegu and boas, not to mention if they found out I had a freaking cobra in my house too, I would be no deal for them. haha

LMAO!!! :rofl :rofl

Seriously though, why would you want a snake that you can't handle...it takes the fun right out of it!


5 Year Member
ashesc212 said:
ColdThirst said:
After all that, I just said screw it, I have a hard enough time getting girls to come in my apt now with my tegu and boas, not to mention if they found out I had a freaking cobra in my house too, I would be no deal for them. haha

LMAO!!! :rofl :rofl

Seriously though, why would you want a snake that you can't handle...it takes the fun right out of it!
you live in a apt? would you have to let the other tenants know that you have a deadly snake in yours? im not sure how the law works


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5 Year Member
Lol, well, being a big time field herper and a collector of rare reptiles. And knowing herpers with stuff in apartments (though not venomous, just stuff against the rules). I would have to say the law works by "its only illegal if you get caught" ;) .
As far as why own a hot? Well, hots tend to be really gorgeous animals, intelligent, and most reptiles dont do well as "pets" anyways so display them as awesome as you can with a naturilistic enclosure and just watch them like you would watch a fish tank.
And for the ladies lol. Well, Ive found when a girl hears you have "hots" she gets the hots lol. Something about the danger envolved and then they want to come in and see it. Though I am usually pretty secretive and dont attract a lot of women to get close enough to have a conversation with lol. On a good day I get within pepper spray distance (windy days work in my favor).

-Jon DeLong


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5 Year Member
Beazer said:
Lol, well, being a big time field herper and a collector of rare reptiles. And knowing herpers with stuff in apartments (though not venomous, just stuff against the rules). I would have to say the law works by "its only illegal if you get caught" ;) .
As far as why own a hot? Well, hots tend to be really gorgeous animals, intelligent, and most reptiles dont do well as "pets" anyways so display them as awesome as you can with a naturilistic enclosure and just watch them like you would watch a fish tank.
And for the ladies lol. Well, Ive found when a girl hears you have "hots" she gets the hots lol. Something about the danger envolved and then they want to come in and see it. Though I am usually pretty secretive and dont attract a lot of women to get close enough to have a conversation with lol. On a good day I get within pepper spray distance (windy days work in my favor).

-Jon DeLong

Lol. I am going to have to disagree with you about women getting the "hots". I love snakes and I have nothing against venemous snakes just as long as they stay in their natural habitat. I honestly don't know if I would set foot in anyone's house if I knew they kept venemous snakes. They are beautiful and all but they aren't for me. I'm glad I live in canada where I don't have to worry about too many venemous critters.

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