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Lighting for enclosure


New Member
So I built a new enclosure for my 2 tegus and I'm having trouble figuring out the lighting. I have a like a cubby space by the door which is 6ft to the back , 5ft wide and like 3 1/2 feet tall . Then attached to that is 6 ft long by 2 1/2 ft and 4 in back 5 in front feet tall (the wall slants). I have a MIXED JOY 160 w bulb and it's a uvb and uva light, and a 250 watt heat bulb. I long part of the cage is the cool area . But would I need another uvb bulb for the enclosure ? I'm a little confused. I just bought a double header light so I don't have to keep changing the red bulb and regular heat bulb . And I also have 2 ceramic heaters coming, I had the strip uvb bulb on but turned it off to use a 160 watt bulb but now I have the basking uvb bulb and I just don't want to fry my babies with too much uvb. And I've tried looking up on Google and YouTube and it doesn't really help because all the enclosures that they use are smaller and mine is a l shape, so yeah I'm confused.

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