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MVB and florescent bulb ??


I bought my 2nd MVB this morning for my Rhino Iguana, it was a Zoo med 125 watt MVB at 70.00 , not a lot of choices in our town , Pets Mart is it . . I just shut it off then remembered i was going to remove the food dish , and when i went to turn it back on , NOPE NADA it was burned out . Lasted 8 hours . I had it in a Zoo- Med deep dome for up to 165 watt bulbs . This is the second one i have tried , that lasted one day . I didn't moved them when they were hot , or anything . So i took it back to pets-mart and the only other bulb thay had was a Exo terra 125 watt Solar Glo , so i bought it . Before is use it tomorrow the ?? i have is , does it matter that the screen is 2'' from the bulb ?? I have gone through two MVB , 4 Zoo med 5.o compact fluorescents and two basking bulbs in a month a 1/2 in three different domes. I am afraid to buy on line because of the bad luck i have and shipping costs returning everything , so i try to by local . I even paid a electrician to check out my home's power and sockets in that room and everything check out just fine . This is getting old , 6 bulbs in a month and a half !!!! I could see a MVB getting to hot next to the screen, but not a florescent . any idea's ??


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5 Year Member
with mvb's if you turn them off, then try to turn them right back on it won't light up. they have a heat sensor to protect them from damage. If you let it cool off for a while it should turn on. It should only take a couple minutes. good luck!
mine all rest about 2" from the screen too, and i've never had a problem


5 Year Member
On the instruction manual i believe it says you have to wait at least 15minutes to turn it back on after turning the heated bulb off. And you prob got either a 100watt or 160watt i don't think the Zoo med MVB's come in 125watts(not that it matters). I read before that the solar glo's have very low uv output.


Jason said:
with mvb's if you turn them off, then try to turn them right back on it won't light up. they have a heat sensor to protect them from damage. If you let it cool off for a while it should turn on. It should only take a couple minutes. good luck!
mine all rest about 2" from the screen too, and i've never had a problem

I never new that !! I just figured will all the bad luck i had with the compact florescent bulbs and basking bulbs i just another bad bulb .:s

Strange_Evil said:
On the instruction manual i believe it says you have to wait at least 15minutes to turn it back on after turning the heated bulb off. And you prob got either a 100watt or 160watt i don't think the Zoo med MVB's come in 125watts(not that it matters). I read before that the solar glo's have very low uv output.

Dang, i wish i had kept the Zoo - med MVB .and your right i was a 100 watt .

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