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my tegu help!!!!!!

Tegu Tank

New Member
5 Year Member
ok so i just got my tegu this summer and hes really nice and ive been feeding him up till now because he has been sleeping/hiding for the past month and i know that tegus hibernate but im scared out of my mind because im not used to having reptiles that hibernate and idk if he just been hiding or if he is hungary and just doesnt want to move i dont want him to starve to death so what should i do please help


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5 Year Member
Have you had a fecal test to rule out parasites?? If he's clean just let him do what he wants to do. Many go into hibernation in August.


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5 Year Member
I have an extreme also and he's been slowing down a lil, last week we burrowed and didn't come out for 3 days, after that he came out and ate alot. Since then he's come out to bask very early but burrows alot earlier.
I would do the fecal test when you get a chance just to make sure. But other than that sounds like it might be about that time for him

Tegu Tank

New Member
5 Year Member
ok guys as you all know this is my first reptile that hibernates well a couple of days ago i was sick and stayed home from school and i heard some rumbling noises in his cage were his hide box is and where i seen him start to hibernate well i open the cage and lift up the box and he just sitting there and im like ok so i turn on his heat lamp and put him on top of his box so he can warm up because i assumed that he was just cold from me not having the lamp on all this time so he walked around a bit got some water and little while after that he went back under and i didnt pay any attention to it so now hes just sitting there now and now all hes doing is sleeping and staying under his hide box is this normal


New Member
5 Year Member
sounds normal... id still keep the lights on 8 hrs a day or so and id still have fresh water available and still offer food every ohther day.... both mine have slowed down a lot and seemed to be in full hibernation but still come out and my white actually started coming out again almost normal time.... i offer them food when there out and have lights on 10 hrs a day stead of 12.... if they go a few days without coming out i might go with lights down to 6 hrs a day....

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