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Newbie Tegu owner


New Member
5 Year Member
Hey everyone,

I finally got the privillage of owning a columbian black and white tegu. Hes roughly a year old.

I was reading that raw egg isn't good for them? I fed mine last night one..he seems to be fine but his fecal is a little runny...im guessing cause of the yolk. He should be fine after passing it through his body right?

I've owned every other kind of reptile you can think of, from geckos to snakes to CWD and bearded dragons.

I bought him some turkey and chicken, and some fruits. I also have king worms(super worms) too since I have other reptiles.


Should I be feeding him daily or ever two days?

HEAT:He has a basking spot of 100-110, hot side of 85-90 and cool spot at 80-85 and humidity of 60-70%

SUBSTRATE:cocofibre and mulch as bedding

FOOD: chicken, turkey ( not processed, only from the deli section) raspberries, bananas so far..
QUESTION: what else can i give him? besides mice (as a treat) king worms. and the meats i just bought for him.

he has UVB and a basking lamp and an understand heat pad
LARGE water dish( cat litter pan) and a few fake plants and a log thing from the small animal section of a pet store( bunnies and g.pigs use) for him to climb on.

Anything else I should know about him?



New Member
5 Year Member
Ashleigh said:
Hey everyone,

I finally got the privillage of owning a columbian black and white tegu. Hes roughly a year old.

I was reading that raw egg isn't good for them? I fed mine last night one..he seems to be fine but his fecal is a little runny...im guessing cause of the yolk. He should be fine after passing it through his body right?

I've owned every other kind of reptile you can think of, from geckos to snakes to CWD and bearded dragons.

I bought him some turkey and chicken, and some fruits. I also have king worms(super worms) too since I have other reptiles.


Should I be feeding him daily or ever two days?

HEAT:He has a basking spot of 100-110, hot side of 85-90 and cool spot at 80-85 and humidity of 60-70%

SUBSTRATE:cocofibre and mulch as bedding

FOOD: chicken, turkey ( not processed, only from the deli section) raspberries, bananas so far..
QUESTION: what else can i give him? besides mice (as a treat) king worms. and the meats i just bought for him.

he has UVB and a basking lamp and an understand heat pad
LARGE water dish( cat litter pan) and a few fake plants and a log thing from the small animal section of a pet store( bunnies and g.pigs use) for him to climb on.

Anything else I should know about him?


The poop is just runny from the liquid egg most likely. I feed my Tegus and Monitors raw eggs about 2 times a month as a treat they really seem to like them. I have never had a problem doing that, but I would not use raw egg, or any egg as a staple diet.

I don't believe that the Colombian Blacks, or Golds eat fruit, or veggies. I can hardly get my Agri B&W to eat them. :-D Maybe someone else will chime in with input. But, I dont think they need the fruits, or veggies.

Temps sound pretty good. Humidity does too. I like to give my guys a soak 1 or 2 times a week to. To help with hydration, shed and for some good old exercise.

Your substrate seem good too. I try a lot of different kinds, everyone kind of finds what they like. Just no ceder. I also don't like to use pine either.

Foods- Liver, shrimp, fresh tuna, Salmon, turkey, chicken, beef. Ground meats, eggs of any kind, less raw then anything else, but HB, or scrambled is fine. Don't use any butter thou if you scramble them. Sucks for the pan, but not for the Tegu. :-D
Mice, rats, baby chicks, bunnies, quail.
You probably will not need to many insects.

Feeding- You will have to see how much and how often he wants to eat. Some eat more then others. Until you get to know him better offer him food once a day, if he eats everything you give him and still looks like he wants more. Offer him some more later that day. With in a week or so, you will be able to better tell how much to feed him and when.

Might not need the UTH, most Monitors and Tegus in my opinion respond better to over head heat. Because they are baskers.
Your UV sounds good thou. I ruin mine on about a 12/12 cycle. In the summer I turn my heat off at night, because the room stays pretty hot. In the winter I leave the heat on 24/7 though.

Good luck. Post some pictures and Welcome to TT forums.

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