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Pooping in the tub?


New Member
Peace River, AB, Canada
So I have a little guy being shipped to me from Toronto next week, I've been keeping reptiles on and off for 10 years so i've done my research. One of the things i've come across a lot is people letting their tegus poop in their bathtubs. I think this would be a good option for me, I don't wanna be chuckin tegu turds off the balcony for the neighbours to step in come springtime. But I have a couple questions, does this have a tendancy to clog drains at all? What do you guys do for cleanliness? Just let him crap in there then use the same shower the next day or do you clean it first? and lastly as far as regular cleaning of a bathtub is there any concern with using commercial cleaners and then letting your tegu soak in there and lap up/absorb the water the next day? Thanks in advance for any replies, any other tips would be appreciated too



Active Member
My girl poopies in the tub and has never clogged it. I just rinse it down the drain after her bath. As far as cleaners, I just use Lysol or what ever i have in hand. I do make sure to rinse it all out. If you are worried about I have heard simple green is very mild. Hope I answered some questions. ☺


Active Member
My boy will put a cat to shame so I generally fish it out immediately and put it in the toilet because I am afraid eventually he could clog it between urates and passed hair.


Active Member
5 Year Member
I always wipe my girl's mess out with TP and flush it down the toilet rather than letting it clog the shower drain.

Jackie & Hellboy

Active Member
Flush for sure! Tegu Turds can be quite large when adult size. Plus my shower drain wont even fit a small piece of poop down it anyways so I clean it out thoroughly and use dish soap to scrub the tub with the shower head running to rinse it all away. N8bub is correct urates and passed hair have the chance of clogging drains, the urates get chalky rock hard if given the opportunity, so I feel like that could stress the drain out.

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