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purple tiger albino albino red, and purple albino


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1,000+ Post Club
I do not like the idea of breeding for color morphs. It always leads to inbreeding since the gene pool for a morph is very much smaller than the regular color. When I breed hedgehogs, I try to breed for the normal color, but because I get my breeders from many different places, some other colors do pop out. I keep my gene pool as diverse as possible, but because of selective breeding, it is inevitable that I get color morphs even when breeding standard colors together. I find the morphs to be weaker than the natural color in any animal. Just my 2 cents.


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5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
Also it's important to not that underground doesn't cut all their eggs the standard practice is to tickle the egg that's it no cutting

These were cut because the incubator malfunctioned causing the temps to get to high (at least what he stated in the video) and the eggs where getting hard

Not defending underground but I've watched a TON of their videos on tegu eggs hatching and most the time it's just tickling I don't see much cutting


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
At the Daytona Expo they were cutting them out to be sold on the spot.

Tickle and if nothing happens, try again later. I think a lot of it was profit motivated. They were cutting tegus out of eggs at the Daytona expo and selling them on the spot. I would never think to buy or sell a tegu that young. And I'm not being judgmental, he says he is profit motivated in his own videos.


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5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
Whao! Didn't know that! I just go by what I saw lol (and yes we all know he's profit motivated

Whao! Didn't know that! I just go by what I saw lol (and yes we all know he's profit motivated


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5 Year Member
I am not a racist. I think its my english, so I can't tell it how I mean it. It just that I never have seen a european cut open eggs. Its just not don here. But almost every time I watch an american video I see them cut open eggs.
I am not against morphs if you do it The right way. And the right way takes years! My boyfriend and I breed blue waterdragons. My boyfriend started 15 years ago and even now its not perfect yet. But the divereds is. Our blue waterdragons are realy strong and bigger than green waterdragons. Someone els with no knowleg of genetics tryed to breed bleu with one of our baby blue in 5 years. Problem was.. They inbreeded to much... Brother to sister and so on... Now we can't sell our blue anymore becouse there blues are so weak they have lung and hart problems. There bones are so soft they break realy easy. Moost waterdragons they sell die after 2 to 4 years. They stay very small and males look like females


Selling as soon as they for reptiles is ok though right.... Cause wouldnt they be on there own from day one in the wild.. I mean they are not dogs or cats who benifit from there mothers milk.... ...


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5 Year Member
Deac77 said:
These were cut because the incubator malfunctioned causing the temps to get to high (at least what he stated in the video) and the eggs where getting hard

Not defending underground but I've watched a TON of their videos on tegu eggs hatching and most the time it's just tickling I don't see much cutting
I think its not a good reason to cut them out. If they die, its not meant to be. They are too weak to love. If you help them and breed again and cut open the eggs... Then after to many weak breeds they can't get out off the egg anymore at their own... Then you destroyd your morph

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
I didn't say you were racist.

Just to explain when I said, "Doing so gives off an air of superiority and ethnocentrism with a racial undertone" was in reference to using phrases like "You americans do that all the time... but thats not done in europe". When ever people say "you americans, you people" and things like that it's usually with negative context. As if you're better than them for what ever reason and that's where the superiority and ethnocentrism comes in and the racial undertone usually follows with those two things. Superiority and ethnocentrism practically breeds racism which is why it's still an issue today.

Just because you have seen videos of people in america (or where ever) cutting their eggs doesn't mean that all americans do it. It doesn't matter how many videos you have seen. As you explained with the water dragons, ...it's the same as me saying All of you Europeans inbreed your blue water dragons, we don't do that here in America.

Sometimes it's not just what you say but how you say it. You don't want to be put into or even associated with the same people that inbreed their water dragons, even though you don't do what they do it still affects you. So have that same consideration for other people.

Regardless of who or where we are, we are not all the same nor do we do the same things.


5 Year Member
Boston England UK
Brittneym said:
Well said^^
i would say that tegus are definatly not ready for new homes the minute they hatch, some are strong & some are week. some can only manage egg yolk for the first day or 2 these definatly wouldnt survive in the wild. but with care they soon strengthen up. i wont sell my babies until there 1 month old so that i know there strong & healthy & have had at least one full shed & piled on a fiew gramms.


Bubblz Calhoun said:
I didn't say you were racist.

Just to explain when I said, "Doing so gives off an air of superiority and ethnocentrism with a racial undertone" was in reference to using phrases like "You americans do that all the time... but thats not done in europe". When ever people say "you americans, you people" and things like that it's usually with negative context. As if you're better than them for what ever reason and that's where the superiority and ethnocentrism comes in and the racial undertone usually follows with those two things. Superiority and ethnocentrism practically breeds racism which is why it's still an issue today.

Just because you have seen videos of people in america (or where ever) cutting their eggs doesn't mean that all americans do it. It doesn't matter how many videos you have seen. As you explained with the water dragons, ...it's the same as me saying All of you Europeans inbreed your blue water dragons, we don't do that here in America.

Sometimes it's not just what you say but how you say it. You don't want to be put into or even associated with the same people that inbreed their water dragons, even though you don't do what they do it still affects you. So have that same consideration for other people.

Regardless of who or where we are, we are not all the same nor do we do the same things.

Tons of respect to you now, and look at there eggs would you think you could survive in an egg like that:/


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5 Year Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
I didn't say you were racist.

Just to explain when I said, "Doing so gives off an air of superiority and ethnocentrism with a racial undertone" was in reference to using phrases like "You americans do that all the time... but thats not done in europe". When ever people say "you americans, you people" and things like that it's usually with negative context. As if you're better than them for what ever reason and that's where the superiority and ethnocentrism comes in and the racial undertone usually follows with those two things. Superiority and ethnocentrism practically breeds racism which is why it's still an issue today.

Just because you have seen videos of people in america (or where ever) cutting their eggs doesn't mean that all americans do it. It doesn't matter how many videos you have seen. As you explained with the water dragons, ...it's the same as me saying All of you Europeans inbreed your blue water dragons, we don't do that here in America.

Sometimes it's not just what you say but how you say it. You don't want to be put into or even associated with the same people that inbreed their water dragons, even though you don't do what they do it still affects you. So have that same consideration for other people.

Regardless of who or where we are, we are not all the same nor do we do the same things.

You are right. :) Sorry for my wrong way of saying it.
It just I have never seen someone in europe cut open eggs. And if you tell or show you do, you will have no life anymore... People will not like it very much in the netherlands or europe. But in the USA I see it so often. I do a lot of research about breeders in america becouse I would like to learn how you guys do it. In europe tegus are not that popular so not a lot of people breed them...
I hope too breed my own tegus in the future. We have red, blue and blank and white. The black and white and 2 of the blues are adult next season. :D


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5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
Renske said:
Deac77 said:
These were cut because the incubator malfunctioned causing the temps to get to high (at least what he stated in the video) and the eggs where getting hard

Not defending underground but I've watched a TON of their videos on tegu eggs hatching and most the time it's just tickling I don't see much cutting
I think its not a good reason to cut them out. If they die, its not meant to be. They are too weak to love. If you help them and breed again and cut open the eggs... Then after to many weak breeds they can't get out off the egg anymore at their own... Then you destroyd your morph

The thing is its a business he does this for a living it's his only means of income when you have one if your best selling items look as they may go south it is a decent reason to cut. They are not like us this is their JOB that could be why there isn't a decent tegu population in the Europe because that's no ones Only means of income

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
That's okay, I just had to put that out there because your not the only one on this forum who says things like that. Just because you haven't seen anyone in or from Europe post a video like that doesn't mean no Europeans are doing it. More than likely they just know that it's best not to broadcast it.

I wish you the best of luck with your breedings, I know you won't have any problems selling them over there. Especially if you're able to ship or work something out with folks near by. There's always new people on here asking about tegu availability or breeders who ship in that area.


New Member
im pretty sure in europe their is someone that tickles their egss to say that only americans do it is very preposterous. I studied microbiology at Texas A&M and herpetologists do it all the time on alligator, crocodile, tort eggs etc etc. They also do it at zoos and universities in australia. it does not harm the herps. Most of the time they do it if the herp hasn't broken through the egg in a suitable time. Sometimes it saves their life. underground reptile might be all profit ,but at least they admit it and I can respect that instead of them pulling the wool over our eyes like At least he isn't stealing people's money like Bobby


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5 Year Member
spikeleebd said:
im pretty sure in europe their is someone that tickles their egss to say that only americans do it is very preposterous. I studied microbiology at Texas A&M and herpetologists do it all the time on alligator, crocodile, tort eggs etc etc. They also do it at zoos and universities in australia. it does not harm the herps. Most of the time they do it if the herp hasn't broken through the egg in a suitable time. Sometimes it saves their life. underground reptile might be all profit ,but at least they admit it and I can respect that instead of them pulling the wool over our eyes like At least he isn't stealing people's money like Bobby

Then we do not agree.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
It doesn't matter if it is someone's only source of income or not...The idea of breeding is to make stronger lines or at least not to create a weaker one.

And sure tegus hatch out and are on their own....but these guys are not in the wild. They are hatched in an incubator which may or may not have had ideal situations. I think most people who have bred tegus have that horror story of deformities and bad clutches. The relatively large number of hatchlings tells us that not all offspring are meant to survive.

As a business person, you can choose to sell the babies minutes after they hatch because of fear of losing that sale, or you can talk to the customer, arrange shipping a week later and let a young tegu have a chance to show that it is strong enough to be one that will be OK. It is capitalism, so no one has the corner on the market or the wrong or right way of doing things. I wouldn't feel comfortable selling or buying a hatchling that soon is all.

The egg cutting is a debated topic here in the US as well. Some herpetologists do it and some do not.


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5 Year Member
laurarfl said:
It doesn't matter if it is someone's only source of income or not...The idea of breeding is to make stronger lines or at least not to create a weaker one.

And sure tegus hatch out and are on their own....but these guys are not in the wild. They are hatched in an incubator which may or may not have had ideal situations. I think most people who have bred tegus have that horror story of deformities and bad clutches. The relatively large number of hatchlings tells us that not all offspring are meant to survive.

As a business person, you can choose to sell the babies minutes after they hatch because of fear of losing that sale, or you can talk to the customer, arrange shipping a week later and let a young tegu have a chance to show that it is strong enough to be one that will be OK. It is capitalism, so no one has the corner on the market or the wrong or right way of doing things. I wouldn't feel comfortable selling or buying a hatchling that soon is all.

I agree. :D
I never sell weak animals.. If they are weak I let them die, or don't make them suffer. If I deside he can have a good enough Life and he does not die I will keep it my self. If you cut open eggs. They miss the strugle too life and you don't know wath is wrong. You sell it and someone breeds with it and its babys will be also weak. Or the animal I sell will have problems all his life. I don't want that for the animal or the new owner.


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5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
Renske said:
laurarfl said:
It doesn't matter if it is someone's only source of income or not...The idea of breeding is to make stronger lines or at least not to create a weaker one.

And sure tegus hatch out and are on their own....but these guys are not in the wild. They are hatched in an incubator which may or may not have had ideal situations. I think most people who have bred tegus have that horror story of deformities and bad clutches. The relatively large number of hatchlings tells us that not all offspring are meant to survive.

As a business person, you can choose to sell the babies minutes after they hatch because of fear of losing that sale, or you can talk to the customer, arrange shipping a week later and let a young tegu have a chance to show that it is strong enough to be one that will be OK. It is capitalism, so no one has the corner on the market or the wrong or right way of doing things. I wouldn't feel comfortable selling or buying a hatchling that soon is all.

I agree. :D
I never sell weak animals.. If they are weak I let them die, or don't make them suffer. If I deside he can have a good enough Life and he does not die I will keep it my self. If you cut open eggs. They miss the strugle too life and you don't know wath is wrong. You sell it and someone breeds with it and its babys will be also weak. Or the animal I sell will have problems all his life. I don't want that for the animal or the new owner.

I don't agree with selling weak animals or reptiles right after they hatch but for a business I don't see a problem with cutting they do it for a living if half your stock dies well its good bye life line breeding and inbreeding are bad I agree but sorry to say I doubt anyone in the uk that does this as their means for survival isn't cutting


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
It is not the cutting by itself, for me it was cutting and selling the same day.

I had a group of 6 eggs or so that did not hatch out of this last clutch. I tickled and they wiggled, but never pipped. I let them be and then decided to cut maybe a week later. They had all died. Why this group and not others? They were in a separate box, maybe they had temp spikes. But the whole box was apparently not strong enough to hatch on their own.

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