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strangest place you found your tegu hiding?


New Member
so the other day I decided to let Spartacus free roam the bathroom for a little while. I admit I kind of forgot about him so when i went to let him out he was no where to be found! He recently learned how to open cabinet doors but when i looked in the cabinets under the sink, he wasn't in there! HE PULLED A HOUDINI!!...or so i thought. I looked in the cabinet again and saw the tip of his tail hanging from inside TOP of the cabinet just below the counter! I then open the very narrow drawer and FOUND HIM SLEEPING! how a 40 inch tegu managed to SQUEEZE himself into such a small space is beyond me!!! It took me a while to get him to come out because he was a bit grumpy from waking him up. He didn't want to move! but he eventually came out perfectly fine. I really wish I would have taken a picture! my mind was blown!

Another time I found him in a strange place was when I let him free roam my bedroom for a while! when i went to check on him, AGAIN I couldn't find him! It took me a while but I did eventually discover is hiding spot...and managed to get a video of it......



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5 Year Member
One time Chester (who now belongs to Laurafl) got out and I found him nuzzled up inside a cloth bag that held my ice skates.... needless to say, it was a pretty cramped bag and Im glad my blades didn't injure him!




louie has hiden a few funnt places. he climbed through the back of my tv stand during free roam and was looking at me through the glass door. he also tried to fit into one of my work gloves and ended up running around with a glove stuck on his head for about 5 minutes, funniest thing i have ever seen, also he went under our couch and ripped teh thin black cloth on the bottom and made his way all the wat to the top of the arm inside. took a good 10 minutes for him to come out.


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1,000+ Post Club
Kodo once climbed into part of the dash of my car (thankfully he didn't get too far in and I was able to extricate him unharmed) and there was a time he shot up my pant leg and I had to take them off to get him out, lol.


New Member
Not sure Why but my adult bw always climbs up a foot or so into my bed and either sleeps under the covers or in a pillow case. Maybe he loves me that much. He knows my scent •?•

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