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That Will Lead to Your Death! (game)


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Well, it's the night before school and your all excited for math class tomorrow. To be prepared you made sure to sharpen all the pencils in your new box. You then retire to the couch as you day dream what the new school year will bring for you. Unconsciously you start picking your nose and flicking the boogers at our sister (brothers dont know they do these things!) You sister tells your mom and she tells you to get the vaccum out and clean them up. Well you make the mistake of telling your mom "make me!" The next thing you know is your head is bleeding. Here your mom grabbed the first thing she could get her hands on a threw it at you. Unbeknown to her it was the freshly sharpened box of pencils you completed earlier. It hit you perfectly, breaking off all the pencil points in your skull. Since you are a Hemophiliac, you can't control the bleeding and get rushed to the hospital. But dang its too late. Still want that pencil????

I wish for a SolarTech UVB meter.


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you get your nice sharp pencil and right a hate letter to Tom Cruise telling him that he is a fool for thinking that aliens started the world. He is sick of people talking bad about his beliefs and sheds his skin to reveal his true form. he finds you and eats your heart.

i wish i was immortal lmao


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You win a brand new solartech UVB meter at an online raffle, when it gets to your house, you hurridly run over to your tegu cage to test it out. You open the lid and shove in the meter, what you didn't realise in your haste, you arent in the tegu cage, your in the Yellow Eyelash Viper cage and tag, tag, tag, three times before you can pull your hand back out. Knowing the mistake you made and that you cant make it to the hospital in time, you reach back in and let it get you five more times as you pick it up and then let it strike you in the throat until you loose concisnous and die twitching and paralyzed as your heart and lungs stop working.

I wish I had a paypal account with 2million dollars on it.


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COWHER said:
you get your nice sharp pencil and right a hate letter to Tom Cruise telling him that he is a fool for thinking that aliens started the world. He is sick of people talking bad about his beliefs and sheds his skin to reveal his true form. he finds you and eats your heart.

i wish i was immortal lmao

Ok Cowher I see you think you're slick. lol. u wish to be immortal and the wishmaker turns you into Tupac. :lol:

I wish for the remote from the movie Click.


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ok u get the remote and your loving it then u hit the >> buttin to hard and your 6 ft under.

i wish i had a talking tegu


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You get your dream, a talking tegu, but when it opens its mouth all it speaks is spanish. So you blow your own head off


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you dont have a wish so you become depressed and jump off a cliff to your death

i wish that i could move some where tropical..


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You move to a tropical island and you think that you have found heaven on earth. Only to realize that you have moved on an island where the goverment has abandoned human test subjects that have become man eaters and you are the main course.

I wish I had the worlds biggest diamond mine.


5 Year Member
One day while you where inspecting the mine you found the biggest diamond ever and one of the workers came and hit with a shovel in the head several times so he could steal your diamond.

I wish to be superman


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pretty much impossible, but.....hey, it's just a game
one day you do become a superman, but in order to save the world, you have give yourself away to invading alien colony, on their own planet, you cannot survive by eating their food, their oxygen and etc
i wish for a new snowboard, mine is starting to crack :(


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you wish for peace on earth. but you have 2 sacrifice yourself to the gods first. they bring you to the guillitene & chop off your head to place on a pole.

I wish for more light in the subway. it's dark than. a mutha in some spots. lol


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they get bright lights for your section of subway but they are your reptile lights and all the uv rays give you skin cancer and you die.

I wish i had a quad aka four wheeler


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You get a quad and decide to show off your new ride to you friend.
You know a shortcut but its getting kinda dark so you you go faster. Unknown to you the government has a secret testing facility just up the road from you and they have dug a 50ft pit to bury the chemicals they want to discard. You drive off into the pit, but it doesnt kill you, the mutated 4ft earthworms do!

I want a flamethrower.


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You get your awesome flamethrower in the mail but you have to set it up... as you are attaching the igniter as your last finishing touch.. Your finger slips and hits the firing trigger... You catch your self on fire..and burn to your death.. (should of put on your firing safe catch)

I wish to go take my car drifting in the snow.


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lexi I would luv 2 cum wit u but ur gonna slide right of the edge of the cliff. you're not gonna die right away. you're gonna be trapped inside your car for days & die of starvation.

I need some ice for this leftover smirnoff from my new years eve party last night. :lol:

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