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tricking a picky eater?!?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i got a cheese grater and a food processor yesterday to help me prepare the food for my herbivores, but i think i may have found another use for them! since nero never ate fruits and veggies i decided i would give this a try; i grated up some papaya and butternut squash and put it in the processor with some telapia and egg yolk and mixed it all up! i figured since telapia and eggs are some of the few things she will eat i figured i start wih those! i made a nice size amount for pyro too and he inhaled about a 1/2 cup of it with no problem, but then again he has never turned down anything be it fruit, veggies or meat! now im waiting to see how nero reacts to it since it has her fave foods in it! wish me luck


New Member
5 Year Member
Good luck! It seems my Zero is also a picky eater, he will only eat when he wants and what he wants. On the other hand kilo will eat anything even my fingers. She/he has only bitten me once but it was my fault. I had feeding tongs out which wasnt the best idea since I wasnt using them to feed her.

Oh and reptastic I have a question for you, does pyro have sperm plugs yet? I think I see them in kilos poo but im not sure because ive only seen it from her/him twice and there are not any definable bb's yet.

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