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Mark Davidson

New Member
They are weird! It's unnatural.. And thank you. The more I see them I more I want one. Lol. I am working on it. Getting supplies and what not.:)


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
laurarfl said:
What??? Octopuses are amazing!!! :)

The tegu I ever got was a young WC Colombian back in 2006. She was quite fiesty. I worked with her a lot and she is much tamer today. Her friend Chester is tamer than some Argentines.

Since these guys live closer to the equator, they don't have a wide range of temps and rily carnivorestolerate cold very well. I keep mine with cold side/nightime temps of 80 in the summer and 70-78 in the winter. The warm side is around 90 and the basking spot is 100-105. They stay pretty humid, about 60-70%. I'd like to keep it more humid, but that's about as good as I can get it on average.

They are not strict carnivores. As juveniles they are primarily carnivores as they require protein for growth. But they will readily eat fruit. Mine enjoy berries, papaya, mango, peaches, melon, cherries, grapes, banana. I do feed rodents a couple times a week and leans meats. In the wild they eat a lot of large insects and amphibians. They have a lean diet and seem to be prone to obesity in captivity. I have read several reports of owners whose tegus went through surgery and the vet saw a lot of fat tissue around the organs.

As for substrate, I use cypress mulch. Since that is getting harder to find, I'm thinking of switching over to a peat and soil mixture.

Kodo has never touched fruit, even when coated in egg yolk. He's a meat-eater like his old man, lol. He seems to have done well on a carnivorous diet, although I agree with you that you should offer variety. As opportunistic omnivores, tegus can thrive on a wide range of foods.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
My first tegu was a Colombian, also around '06 didn't know anything about her I just thought she was one of the cutest things ever. I got her home, started researching and haven't been without one for too long since. She was one of the calmest I have had.


New Member
Oops, I was on my brothers account... But yes, octopuses are weird. and that is cool. I am gonna look for one to adopt. :) I'll let you guys know if i find one.:)

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