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Worried Tegu owner: Mouth rot or a bite?


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi there. My tegu has been sleeping alot lately, so much that I don't see him before I leave for work and by the time I get home theres only 2 hours of light left and hes already sound asleep. I had a day off today so I caught him out warming up under his heat lamp. I thought what a perfect time to feed him some nice scrambled eggs so I took him out and put him in his feed box, which is pretty small because he is still really small (like 11") and I've had him since late August and he's barely grown. So I put some eggs in there and he had absolutely no interest in them at all. At first I dismissed it as him getting ready for hibernation but then I notice a wound on his jaw. Its on his lower lip(don't know what to call it) and it seems to be pushing his scales down. I'm worried this could be mouth rot. Feedback would be very helpful. What can I do for my little buddy?

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