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Baby tegu not really growing?


Active Member
I think at Django's size mine would've only eaten 4 hopper mice. Lol. Maybe 5. So wow. See, I never have fed a full whole prey meal. I combine a large mouse now with other foods on the plate. Or I give her one in between meal days. I'd say her combined meal is just under the size of half a softball. So hard to judge. and she has days she eats less. She tends to eat only once every two days. I haven't measured her but at the supposed age of 20 months old she is barely over 3 foot. I was so hoping for much larger. Her head is a bit small. I know, female heads are smallish. I'm like you though, I work hard to stuff the begeezus out of her lololol. She has filled out in the last months though ... which is really nice.
I am so looking forward to Django's giant head. And for whatever reason, my dad - who originally never wanted a tegu in the first place - asked me if I needed a female just to have (not breeding) and so I'm kinda slowly looking for a yearling red if I can get my hands on one. Django had been eating 4 mice and one or two little meat cubes that I made up, but he prefers mice much more than anything else. Plus, since he didn't have his baby growth spurts, the mice are really making him grow.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
I'd give anything to have a big ole male along with Kai. I am out of living room for all of us now. So I cant. I mean they say you absolutely have to have a plan B in case they dont get along later in life.


Active Member
I'd give anything to have a big ole male along with Kai. I am out of living room for all of us now. So I cant. I mean they say you absolutely have to have a plan B in case they dont get along later in life.
Exactly. My older sister is going away to college soon so I am really trying hard to get my parents to let me turn her room into a reptile room. I don't think that they're against it which is nice!

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