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Pics Of my Blue WOWZ (AKA Peanut- Daves runt)


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I will try to post some updated pics soon.
More important. Wowz has been acting funny this week. He did something he never did before. I was feeding him some chicken and cod liver oil on my kitchen floor like I often do. He suddenly arched his back and kinda clinched his jaws closed with his tongue hanging out. Since then has slowed way down wont eat. I realize some of that might be hibernation slow down, but it seems like he is not comfortable walking. I wondered if he was telling me to back off? But since I have bathed him everyday and he still rest his head on my hand while he relaxes in the bath. I have been bathing him daily in a warm bath because I wondered if the weird arch and such was constipation. But because he hasnt been eating there is any poopin. I have tried to feed him everyday and he does the same thing... goes to take a bite, once the food is in his mouth, arched back, kinda twitching, looks like in pain, then releases the food without eating, then just lays there. spends most of the day sleeping. Any thoughts?


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5 Year Member
I will try to post some updated pics soon.
More important. Wowz has been acting funny this week. He did something he never did before. I was feeding him some chicken and cod liver oil on my kitchen floor like I often do. He suddenly arched his back and kinda clinched his jaws closed with his tongue hanging out and was kinda twitching. Since then has slowed way down wont eat. I realize some of that might be hibernation slow down, but it seems like he is not comfortable walking. I wondered if he was telling me to back off? But since then, I have bathed him everyday and he still rest his head on my hand while he relaxes in the bath. I have been bathing him daily in a warm bath because I wondered if the weird arch and such was constipation. But because he hasnt been eating there is any poopin. I have tried to feed him everyday and he does the same thing... goes to take a bite, once the food is in his mouth, arched back, kinda twitching, looks like in pain, then releases the food without eating, then just lays there. spends most of the day sleeping. Any thoughts?


5 Year Member
Thanks chelvis.You mean that's the Tegu that was very weak when it came out off the egg ( from the video he posted last year ) ?


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I belive so that this is the weak one, he looked good in the pictures. Davedragon can comferm or deny if its on of his.

As for the arching it sounds like somekind of GI upset, or a mouth sore. Its early in the season for blues to start going down or even slowing down. I would suggest taking him to the vet, they're going to want to do an x-ray to check for an impaction. Off hand i can't think of anything thats going wrong maybe varnyard or davedragon could shed some light on this.


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Yes, he's the "runt".

Sounds like a herp vet visit is needed. Sounds like some kind of pain. I've never seen any of our Tegu's in pain, they seem like a very tough animal.

Post some pics soon. I'd like to see how he turned out. But get him to the vet ASAP.


5 Year Member
Awww.Wow that little runt turned out great :-D .I always wonderd what happend to him.It's nice to see that he looks so well.Hope he is OK.Please keep us posted.Thanks.


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I think he was 16-17" when I got him in those pics. Just measured on Friday before I left town. He is now 24". Smaller than his siblings but growing. I have new pics. I will post those when I get back into town. In fact, I will also try to take more pics and pose him in similar ways to these earlier pics to give you the best comparison possible for growth.


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Ya. Then he stopped even trying to eat himself. So I tried to feed him by surenge some blended food. He took some but still had a hard time eating. Hardly ate any. The local expert says lighting and all else is good. Says Wowz does'nt see very well, and may have some kind of injury from swallowing something or maybe some abnormality from birth that has become more problematic. No blockage. Just seems pained by swallowing for some reason. Will know more tomorow. VERY WORRIED.


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That is really odd. I hope they can figure out what's wrong with him and he starts eating soon.

Post some new pics of him!!


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This is Wowz right out of the box when I got him.

This is him now....SICK and not eaten for a while.

Here Wowz is sunning with Gavin. They are the same age.

Wowz and Macy. She loves him most, next to me.

This is my favorite pic. Gavin absolutely loves him!

I hope he recovers. We will be heartbroken.


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WOW!! He looks great!

When are you taking him back to the vet? Do you have a good herp vet? Something needs to be done soon!


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Thanks all.
There is a great guy here. He says he can't see any obvious problems with anything I have done but still recommended a powersun 160 to replace the other bulb I had that was I think a 150 something. I threw it out and now have a Zoo Med reptisun 5.0 uvb 36" tube, and a Powersun 160w mercury vapor uvb bulb in a 10" ceramic. He can get within 8" all the way to 5ft.
He said that should be fine. What do you think?
Food is crikets gut-loaded, chicken, egg, beef, with cod liver oil and calcium powder.
He said that was good. What do you think?
Temp is 100 in basking spot and about 80 on cool side. Humidity about 60. At night I havnt used anything, temp now at night in his enclosure is about 60 degrees.
That was a week long suggestion to see any difference, and bring him back for more test next week if he doesnt improve. He said he didnt think that was it but worth a try first. No easily detected problems at first visit.

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