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Recent content by Dean

  1. D

    Can a baby tegu eat raw turkey breast steak?

    If I were to feed boiled egg would I just take shell off and cut into size ? And thank you for the help little Gus will be eating like a king
  2. D

    Can a baby tegu eat raw turkey breast steak?

    My tegu drinks from its water dish for 20 second at a time so do I still need to soak the food how do I give it eggs because it’s not big enough to swallow an egg right now it’s only probably about a 1 -1.5 ft at the minute
  3. D

    Can a baby tegu eat raw turkey breast steak?

    If I were to try feed my baby egg can I cut the hair boiled egg down or do I have to wait till it’s older to feed it egg
  4. D

    Can a baby tegu eat raw turkey breast steak?

    Should it always been primarily while food or is their an age where i can move it on to more raw meats and seafood and other bits and for the minute how often should I feed raw meats and fish ?
  5. D

    Can a baby tegu eat raw turkey breast steak?

    im a new tegu keeper and just a 3 month old argentine black and white called Gus and would like to move it on from just crickets and locusts and just fed it some raw turkey breast steak dusted with calcium he seemed to like it coz he ate about 5 -6 but size chunks but I want to know if it’s ok...