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Recent content by dicy

  1. D

    anyone have v. prasinus?

    like most monitors they r not super hard to keep alive if u give them whut they need but to breed can be tricky u need animals from same localty cuz they need to be synchronized to the same wet and dry periods (even dry period is like 80% humidety) they grow to aprox 70/80 cm need uv and...
  2. D

    anyone have v. prasinus?

    i havnt uploaded photos in ages but her sum of mine
  3. D

    Possible new addition

    gotta lov puppys:D
  4. D

    Got my Chinese water dragons!!

    nice litle dragons
  5. D

    Any Water Dragon owners?

    from my experiance (cant say whut others have experianced) aussie waterdragons r more standoffish and like to be left alone while my greens always climbed on my arm ore jumped on me when opening the viv but i still regret selling mine since i never sa an aussie for sale again after i sold mine :(
  6. D

    Any Water Dragon owners?

    only have th green male here since it is so old i didnt want to sale it the others where all saled to good homes
  7. D

    Any Water Dragon owners?

    heres sum pics i had posted on this forum there r more pics but cant find them http://www.tegutalk.com/showthread.php?tid=7492#axzz1fsrJhBr4
  8. D

    Green Basilisk

    i used to have 3 b.vittatus they where cool but agresive/defensive as hell but again verry cool animals
  9. D

    Sand substrate

    whell u could use a big tile/flagstone under the food dish and feed them on that so u create a 50% hard surface /50% sand/dirt surface its always nicer looking than a carpet thingy plus when u have no food in there u can create a nice basking spot there
  10. D

    Sand substrate

    ive used sand and sand mixed whit loam for years and never had problems that where coneckted to the sand i think impacktion risk is minimal to if the animals r healthy i mean in the wild they live on sand/dirt ore whutever to
  11. D

    HELP HELP!!!!

    trow evrything out of that viv re do it as a quarentine setup whit simple hide a waterbowl 1 clean branch a good basking spot uvb and mist it evryday leave 1 ore 2 prey items and keep an eye on the humidety that it doesnt go to low cover the back and sides whit papper and maby even the front...
  12. D

    Red Nile?

    looks a bit like v tristis to me but my screen on my phone is a bit crappy
  13. D

    Mega Ray UVB

    i only used selfbalasted mega ray and honestly they sucked the burn out quik and the r crappy made (1 broke while twisting it in the socket) so i use powersun now for the medium size vivs
  14. D

    just 2 crappy pics

    like that german site more and more good info on keeping difrent varanus is getting on the net and the bad info is starting go away also its getting more easy to understand the info do to the fackt it realy r ppl experiance and not dificult sience type pappers :D