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Recent content by MadameButterfly

  1. M

    Do tegus enjoy being pet?

    ^^ is closest to the truth, you have to remember that as babies Tegus are at the bottom of the food chain in their natural habitat just above eggs and baby mice so they are agressive and fast to stay alive because even birds eat them (which is why they hate being picked up from above). As they...
  2. M


    Why do you have "speechless" and "you put me in your place" in inverted commas? that implies that you are quoting me so I'd love to know who you are quoting because it sure as hell wasn't me who said that, I think if you look back on all the posts it was actually you who said "Speechless" and I...
  3. M


    Your example is moot, thats Dublin zoo, they have about 3 square miles (if not more) of land in phoenix park which is why, incase you didn't notice, that pond is man made. Do you think the stones at the side just conveniently stacked themselves in that manner? they also have tigers , hippos and...
  4. M


    So I got the tank There is an underwater heater in it and a heat lamp just out of that shot and I got all the bits for a UV light but totally forgot to get the UV bulb so I'll get that tomorrow and stupiditly forgot the filter too but in my defence I spent over €160 (about $200) today on...
  5. M


    Not sure if I'd be able to find sand in a shop and to be honest I'd be afraid I'd buy cement by mistake instead and wake up the next day to find her buried in a cement block that I'd have to chisel her out of :D By gravel I mean the type you can buy for fish tanks, you know the type that is...
  6. M


    I'll get better pics in the next few days, the bluetooth on my phone isn't working at the moment so I can't send pics from it to my PC so I need to fix that first, I'll take some pics of the food she is on too, she seems to really like it. It comes in frozen cubes and is more shellfish based...
  7. M


    All I did was ask for help with an animal I had no knowledge of and so far took all the advice I was given and am trying my best, is it not better that I ask here for advice? why the hell should I put up with abuse from Grendel just for trying to keep her alive? from what I have learned, mostly...
  8. M

    Tame with age?

    Think of it from his point of view, see as a baby (young) tegu he is at the bottom of the food chain just above eggs and baby mice so he has to be fast and skittish because to him the whole world is a preadator, as he gets bigger that fear isn't there simply because he knows then there are not...
  9. M


    No it doesn't bother me at all because when I posted it because I had no real idea about the difference between a turtle and a tortoise bor how to care for it, since then I have been working my ass off trying to keep her alive. As for taking it "From the wild" I live in Ireland and trust me...
  10. M


    OK as an update for this (I can be very lazy about updates) I did a temp solution and got a baby bath that is working for now, now before you all get on me I never asked for her as a pet and I am trying my best to keep her alive and happy, I know it isn't the best solution but it's the best I...
  11. M


    Shy knees? ;) lol can't believe I actually got that, No, think more north ;)
  12. M


    I have a spare room about 10 foot by 20 foot so assuming I bought a kiddy pool how would I attach a heat and uvb lamp? I'm serious here, I will actually do it if you give me ideas,I have a reptile room for my snake and tegu so adding to it wouldn't be that much of a hassle if you give me ideas...
  13. M


    It's not that easy, firstly where she was found is in a field frequented by drug users and alcoholics as a meeting spot (my neighbour is an alcoholic so goes there often), there were apparently 3 of them but he only managed to catch one. The others were caught by some foreign people (I won't say...
  14. M


    I don't know where best to post this so I may as well post here, I recieved her today long story short she was found abandoned in a pond by my neighbour(and the person that did it was obviously a dimwit because she's a land animal but obviously thought "Oh lets throw the tortise in water...
  15. M

    Colombian Tegus: A Comprehensive Guide

    1) Feeding - As a juvenile, sub-adult and adult what do you feed your colombian? How often do you feed him? What type of supplements are supplied with the food you give your colombian? Mine is only about 8 months old so I generally feed her pinkys, boiled eggs, ground turky and ground...