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Search results

  1. savannahmonitor.net

    Savannah Monitor ?

    Now I am very confused, when did I ever argue or become accusatory? This thread alone is peppered with misinformation, and I would be remiss to ignore it. The very author who penned the research data indicating what their natural diet is, is in fact the same person who authored the link...
  2. savannahmonitor.net

    Savannah Monitor ?

    would you take Daniel Bennett's word for it?? Monitors & Mice, The Myth Dispelled No other biologist out there has spent more time in the Savannah Biome documenting Bosc monitors as he has. The saturated fats are only a problem when the animal cannot metabolize them, poor caging is...
  3. savannahmonitor.net

    Savannah Monitor ?

    Hello everyone. Waves at James.w.... I would like to chime in on several points made in this thread. Firstly a full size enclosure from the start is very necessary, with correct support a baby Savannah Monitor will grow at an inch per week for approximately the first seven to nine months...