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I agree with you 100 percent. Unfortunately they passed the ban through two houses already and it’s including the red tegus as well as any other “tegu” species. Also, the second ban added that no one is allowed to keep them even with a permit. I find it hard to believe that it’s passing with...
Yeah I agree. There are tons of them already. Also, a lot of people who own multiple. I know a few people who have more than 10 tegus. I feel like most would be released into the wild, which will devastate the Everglades even more. I don’t see anything good happening out of this
I think owning them and trapping them should be encouraged. People get fined all the time for fishing without a license or hunting out of season, so why can’t they make stricter laws on releasing into the wild.
I agree with you, but I don’t think banning tegu owners is the answer. There’s multiple ways to solve a problem. South Florida has a lot of people who own tegus and I believe they would panic over the ban and set them free in the wild, believing they will have a better chance of survival in the...
Yeah I was told that the governments can’t do **** about wild life. It’s the fwc who would make those decisions and there is not only one way to solve this issue. There are better ways to go about this. One of the main reasons why they want to ban the green iguana are because they are damaging...
Whatever I’ve read online says something along the lines of before 2010 would be grandfathered in, but also, I talked to someone who said that it hasn’t completely passed yet, because it involves the fwc to make the ultimate decision so there still may be hope, but I am not sure if he is correct...
I agree that they are hurting our ecosystem. They are deffinately a problem but I believe it would be a bigger problem if they ban all possession of tegus, including owners. I know a couple people with their license to capture and sell and I’ve seen their personal inventory of the tegus they...
This is the story I was told but I didn’t have any sources so I wasn’t sure. Didn’t want to spread false information. Unfortunately I’m pretty close to the problem areas. Maybe less than an hour away from the Everglades. Very unfortunate
I’m just confused on how they would know when they were purchased. I have my first one (the black and white) and I bought her from a guy I met at repticon and ended up getting his business card and traveled to his house to pick her up and paid cash, I have another one that’s a red that my...
I was hoping this would be the case, because we have had a ton of costumers here buying tegus as pets through places like repticon and others. It almost seems like tegus became extremely popular within the last year in my area (in my opinion). My question would be, how would they know if you...
I was reading up on it and you have to fill out paperwork for the tegus that you have and send it in. Says it could take 4-6 weeks to get approved or denied. I’m not sure if the people from the fwc come to your house and check out their enclosure. I don’t live near the problem areas, so I’m...
The tegu ban was passed in Florida (where I live) and I have been researching what I can do to keep my 3 tegus that I have. The ban will be in effect on July 1st, so I have a little bit of time, but i was reading that I can send in an application for a class lll wildlife permit, which hopefully...