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valentine pirate

New Member
Just wanted to say a quick hello before getting back to lurking around here. I don't have a tegu yet, but I've wanted one since I saw youtube videos of pet black and whites back in high school. Now that I have stability in my home life I've started gathering supplies and getting back into researching/reading everything I can find. I've decided I'm probably going to get an Argentine red, and hopefully it won't go like the snakes did (can't just have one!). Been obsessed with reptiles for years and keeping them for almost three now. Not an expert by any means, but I have confidence that I can care for one of these awesome lizards.

Other than the future tegu I have 2.2 ball pythons, 0.1 pied black pine snake, 1.1 crested geckos, 0.0.1 leopard gecko, and 0.0.1 green iguana (more my boyfriend's lizard but guess who makes salad every morning ;) ). I hope that once I get a tegu I can be more of a help around here than a hindrance!

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