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About a week ago my yearling 18 inch female escaped. This was at least partially my fault, as I'm a new owner and did not realize how very good they are at climbing, nor how strong they can be. Needless to say, I feel terrible. We saw her scrambling under our kitchen counter as we turned the corner, to a hole we didn't even know was there. During this week we've kept the kitchen sealed, warm and put out food and a basking spot for her. For the past five nights I've left a havahart trap baited with boiled eggs, raw egg, fuzzy f/t mice, and raw burger. Nothing, she doesn't even touch it. I've used flour all around the kitchen, and it appears that she likes under the dishwasher, though she's never there when I look, which is upwards of five times a day. I've tried everything, and had resigned myself to the fact that she somehow made it outside (5 days, no evidence).

     Last night she pooped!!!

     It was under the dishwasher, toward the front. At first I was very excited, but then realized that the stool was very runny, and very much an olive green, with a large calcium deposit (think two mini marshmallows). I'm worried about her all over again, and from this poop, affraid that she may be sick. I don't know what she could have eaten that would have that much calcium, other than a wild mouse (which I didn't think we had, but anyway).

    My questions:

     1. Does anyone have Any fuether suggestions? How to get her out from a tight space that she may not even be in? Any better bait?

     2. Is that poop normal?


