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We had one at the museum where I work for the better part of a year. She died several weeks ago of old age. Gandy was over 11 and for the first 10 years of her life lived as the exhibit director's personal pet. They're gorgeous lizards and while not aggressive, they are very high-strung and jumpy. Gandy was always leashed when I took her out. She liked to be handled but got nervous if she felt hemmed in. Water dragons are voracious eating machines and will consume anything they can fit in their mouths. I haven't found a prey animal water dragons won't take: crickets, roaches, waxworms, mealworms, goliath worms, silk worms, nightcrawlers,  snails, grasshoppers, snails, silversides, mice. I would recommend them to people have have at least a little experience with lizards and not as a beginner reptile. They're great animals and I'd love to have one in the future. I'll put up some pics of Gandy.
