• Hello guest! Are you a Tegu enthusiast? If so, we invite you to join our community! Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Tegu enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your Tegu and enclosure and have a great time with other Tegu fans. Sign up today! If you have any questions, problems, or other concerns email josh@tegutalk.com!

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Hey guys I have thousands of Blaptica dubia roaches right now and I want to sell some off. 100 mixed sizes including adults for $20 dollars. Shipping in the lower 47 only (Sorry Florida) - Express shipping is $25. $7 dollars for Priority. I am offering live arrival guarantee on priority shipping if the weather is between 40Ã?â??Ã?°F 90Ã?â??Ã?°F. I also have live arrival guarantee on express shipping. If your in Southern California you can do local pick up. If you would like to buy more just message me so we can work out a deal.

I accept PayPal and money orders.

If you have any questions please pm or email me.

<!-- e --><a href="mailto:Louisk8s@yahoo.com">Louisk8s@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->

NOTE: I copied this ad from CuriousTegu760 because we live near each other and half of his colony was given to me.
