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Baby Extreme Giant Not Eating HELP PLEASE!



I got an extreme giant from bobby in July and he's barely eaten anything since. The ONLY thing he seems to like are waxworms! I've tried Ground turkey raw/cooked, chicken livers raw/cooked, mealworms, superworms, silkworms, crickets, veggies, eggs scrambled and fried (no butter) and hardboiled, solami, chicken breast, and even steak! But nothing, he refuses everything! I got him to eat 1 cricket in 4 days! I've tried all foods above with and without calcium and reptivite, still nothing!

And today he scared the **** outta me when I went to pick him up and he didnt move....... But he woke up, Did i just interrupt his hibernation? Is he trying to hibernate? I have his 100W ceramic heating light on and I spray him down once in the morning and once in the evening.

I'm so worried and he still hasnt completely lost his green. He's my little baby please help!

All he does is hide as well, he never comes out. He used to come out all the time and do a figure 8, then lift up his back leg and lick his butt like a dog, now he doesnt do anything.......

Please help me quickly!


My first reaction would be that he's going down for hibernation, but if he's been acting this way since July, I don't know. Have you taken him into a herp vet for a fecal float or general check-up? If not, I'd do it.

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