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I've had my tegu for a little over a week now and he has only eaten two crickets. All he does is burrow so I'm wondering if at some point soon I need to dig him up to try and feed him.
Does he have a hot basking spot? Is his hide in a cooler spot, warm but not hot? Could be he wants to hibernate. If so, he just won't eat much period, but you can take him out and let him rest on your lap or over your shoulder in the evening. During the day you can try offering food to him after pulling him out but if not interested and not skinny, don't worry.
This just happened to me. He needs something that gets HOT or he won't eat because he can't digest his food if he's too cold. I dig my tegu out most evenings and I just got a flat rock that he likes to sit on but he wouldn't eat for me until I got it
Yes, again I had a similar problem with my new gu. I upped the wattage on the basking light. Painted his rock black & baked on the enamel plus raised it a little. The temperature on the rock is staying 125 - 130 now & the little stinker is starting to eat & not stay buried in the substrate. Probably a combination of higher temps plus adjusting to his new environment. He is presently around 16" & his lady friend is 22" but she looks much larger than the ♂ bulk wise. They are in separate but side by side tanks & can see each other. The ♀ seems interested & goes over to check him out but again, he apparently finds her boring as well as myself.
He has a 108 degree basking spot, a hide on the hot side and a hide on the cold side. Instead of putting him in a feeding bin I placed his food on his basking side and he went and ate a small chunk of ground turkey, then went back to his burrow. I would like him to eat but I do not want to feed him in his enclosure. He is 13" long and weighs 77 grams, which I'm not sure is normal.