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I know Underground and Ben's both always have some pretty nice Skinks, I know if you are getting a Blue from Ryan at Underground he breeds them himself and has for many years but doesnt have many each season so call fast to get on the waiting list. every year I meet people who are waiting for his babys. Me.. Im not a fan of Blues, I love reds and b/W. I had a Skink for a few years, was one of Ryans Baby's he breeds them @ Underground as well and they are the best Ive ever seen. problem I have with Skinks is I got borred with mine. Im more into the larger of the reptiles. So if you ask me go big, but thats really your call. I live 15 mins. from Bens and Underground they are both legit. but I would def. see what Bobby has before you buy a Tegu else where. Best of luck -Mat
